  • 學位論文

反釣魚教學策略: 平板電腦融入概念構圖以提升學習動機之可行性評估

Teaching strategies of anti-phishing education: Evaluation of integrating the concept map approach into Tablet PCs to enhance student motivation

指導教授 : 孫之元


本研究旨在探討利用平板電腦融入概念構圖進行反釣魚教育,對於增進學生學習動機和學習成就的可行性。 本研究以臺北市某國中學生共計155人為研究對象。研究者(教師)透過平板電腦教授學生反釣魚基本概念,並分成實驗組與控制組進行實驗。實驗組利用平板電腦融入概念構圖增強學生學習;而控制組則是透過學習單進行活動。本研究之前後測以Pintrich的學習動機與策略量表(Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire,MSLQ)中文譯本以及反釣魚概念成就測驗蒐集資料,並以描述性統計、成對樣本及獨立樣本t檢定分析學習前後之動機及成就差異。 本研究發現:透過平板電腦實施反釣魚課程教學後,使用概念構圖或學習單教學活動皆能顯著提升學生的學習動機與學習成就。此外,控制組(採學習單)動機的價值成份,以及實驗組(採概念構圖)動機的價值、期望成份皆有顯著提升,但兩者在情感成分皆無顯著差異。在反釣魚概念學習成就上,兩組在前後測的表現皆有顯著差異,但在組間差異則未達顯著。 本研究建議,若能根據學生的學習喜好設計反釣魚課程,並加上發展成熟且便利的科技媒體融入教學活動,便能有效提升學生的反釣魚概念學習動機和學習成效。本研究成果希望能作為反釣魚與平板電腦融入概念構圖教學之相關研究或教學者之參考。


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of the teaching strategy for anti-phishing education, which integrates the concept map approach into tablet PCs to enhance student motivation. A total of 155 students from a junior high school in Taipei city participated in this study. After the students used tablet PCs and learned the basic concept of anti-phishing from the instructor, the students were randomly divided into the control and the experimental groups. In the experimental group, concept map instruction incorporated with tablet PCs was applied to reinforce students’ anti-phishing learning. The control group adopted worksheets to strengthen students’ learning. During the study, the students completed the pre- and post-tests measurements, including the Anti-phishing Concept Achievement Questionnaire and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire adapted from the Pintrich’s model. The data were analyzed using paired- and independent-sample t-test. The results indicated that students’ motivation and performance in both the control and the experimental groups were significantly increased. Students’ value and expectancy components of motivation were significantly improved in the experimental group, while only their value component of motivation was significantly enhanced in the control group. Lastly, students’ anti-phishing performance in both the control and the experimental groups were significantly improved after the treatment. The results of this study suggest that the instructional design of anti-phishing courses that consider students' preference and integrate proper technologies into teaching activities can effectively enhance students' motivation and performance for anti-phishing. Recommendations for future studies related to anti-phishing education and teaching strategies of integrating concept map approach into tablet PCs were also provided.


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