  • 學位論文


A study on the effecting factors of choosing promotional products or service for customers

指導教授 : 林建煌


近年來,廠商為了增加銷售量與提高獲利,紛紛打出價格戰,更常藉由各種促銷活動來吸引更多消費者的注意,而在眾多促銷手段中,廠商最常使用的就是「折價券」和「直接降價」。而在過去文獻研究已證實折價券的使用確實比直接降價還要有更高的評價,然而若是原價折數組合為高原價高折數,或者廠商標榜首度降價折扣,不同的促銷手段是否會對消費者購買造成顯著影響?   折扣促銷的活動不僅僅只運用在一般的商品,在各服務業組織也逐漸將促銷預算從廣告轉向銷售促銷工具上,而商品和服務的特性基本上有很大的差異,因此不同的產品種類在做促銷時,產品種類的不同也會影響消費者的購買意願。除此之外,由於產品和服務可能在品質和品牌不同的因素下,所以在價格呈現上會有所差距,因此廠商在制定折扣促銷時,高價位、低價位也是對於消費者購買的一個影響因素。   許多廠商在制定促銷廣告時,不僅僅是將特惠價格呈現出來,在廣告上會將對產品有益的圖樣、文字、敘述呈現給消費者。像是推薦人和認證,廠商會希望藉由此兩者的陳述,可以吸引到消費者的注意並加深購買意願。因此消費者實際購買產品或服務時並不只會受到價格因素所影響,推薦人與否、認證與否、人格特質…等,都可能會對消費者的購買行為產生不同的影響。所以本研究以促銷手段、產品種類、高低價位、認證與否、推薦人與否為干擾變項,探討這些因素對消費者購買意願影響的干擾效果。




Recently, a factory owner in order to increase sales and make a profit, they use all kinds of promotion activities to attract more consumers. In these promotion methods, a factory owner frequently use coupons and price-off. Past literatures research have verified that the use of coupons truly have high evaluation than price-off. However, are different promotion methods have influence on customers, whether high original price and high discount or promotion for the first time? Promotion activities are not only used on general goods , all kinds of service industry also gradually transfer promotion budget to promotion methods. Besides, owing to different quality and brand, product and service have a gap in price. Therefore, when factory owner set up promotion, high price and low price are also an influence factor on customers’ purchase intention. Many factor owners set up promotion advertisement, they are not only show their special price, but also show beneficial pattern, characters and statement to customers. Factory owner hope to rely on recommenders and license to attract customers’attention and purchase intention. Therefore, when customer purchase products and service, they are not only influence by price factor. So, my research consider promotion methods, products type, recommender and license as Interference variables , and confer these factor how to influence customers’purchase intention.


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