  • 學位論文


The relationship of organizational capabilities and ICT-enabled service innovation in medical care industry

指導教授 : 粟四維


現今醫療環境丕變,民眾對醫療服務有更高的期許,醫療服務業者在困難的健保醫療給付環境下,面臨更多經營上的挑戰。而隨著資訊應用基礎環境的成熟,應用資通訊科技(Information and Communication Technologies, ICT)為服務業提升附加價值已是各先進國家的重要產業發展方向之一,國內許多醫療院所也體認到持續不斷進行服務改善與創新的重要性,因此積極著手運用ICT進行服務改善與創新,為醫療服務的品質加分。而關於創新的能力,過去文獻多著墨於,與產品開發績效相關之組織能力,據此,本研究主要目的為透過了解國內醫院目前運用ICT於服務創新活動之現況,探討各種不同的組織能力對於醫療院所進行服務創新時的重要性,以及各種組織能力在過程中所扮演的角色。本研究屬探索性研究,採多重個案研究法,以深度訪談四家個案醫院為本研究最主要的資料來源。接著輔以次級資料之蒐集以進行三角驗證及分析。研究結果發現,不同的組織能力在服務創新過程中分別扮演不同的角色,而醫院整體能力水準愈高,其服務創新的成效將愈佳,且運用ICT所創新之服務會由於醫院分級之影響,能力相似但服務創新所專注的服務種類不相同。


醫療照護 服務創新 ICT 組織能力


Due to the environment of health care changed, people thus have higher expectations toward health care service. Also, since the policies conducted by the Bureau of National Health Insurance are getting strict with controlling the medical expenditure, the health care service providers are facing more and more challenges nowadays. However, with the maturity of the information technology (IT), using the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance the value of service has already become one of the most important directions of industry development for many developed countries. In Taiwan, numerous hospitals have also recognized the importance of keeping service improvement and innovation. Therefore, they actively embark on strengthening their service innovation based on the ICT, aiming to boost the quality of medical care. In regard of innovation, since most of the past literatures were focused on the organization capability that related to new product development performance, in this research, we stress on the real issues encountered by hospitals when they conduct the ICT in service innovation. This research looks into the importance of different organizational capabilities can incur different impacts on the effectiveness of service innovation. In addition, the roles of different organizational capabilities in the process of innovation are also discussed. This research is an exploratory research rather than explanatory and reached the results based on the multi-case studies. The interviews with four hospitals were considered as the primary source of information. Then we collected the secondary data from related literatures as an attempt to conduct the triangular comparison and analysis. Based on our findings, we suggest that the more capability an organization obtains, the higher performance it can achieve. Furthermore, the effects of using the ICT approach can be various, depending on the level of hospital’s differentiation. In other words, two hospitals that have similar organizational capability may engage in different types of service innovation due to their level differentiation.


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