  • 學位論文

網路銀行抗拒行為- 探討既有系統習慣之中介效果

The Study of User Resistance to Internet Banking- Exploring the Mediating Effect of Incumbent System Habit

指導教授 : 洪秀婉




網路銀行 使用者抗拒 習慣


In recent years, the growth of Internet's popularity and prosperity enhances the attractiveness of e-commerce. The financial industry also follows this trend and activity to develop Internet banking affair. Instead of the physical channels, this virtual path will be the mainstream of the financial service in the future. However, it finds that the number of online banking user does not increase significantly while domestic banks are investing constantly in Internet bank. Therefore, the purpose of this study is investigating the reason that makes users resist using on-line bank. A web survey was conducted on actual and potential users of Internet banking, and the total valid sample is 407 using structural equation modelling reveals that the measurement model has good reliability and validity. The research reveals that the explicit factors of switching cost and of sunk cost have positive impact on habit while the controlling benefits is negative. On the other hand, the implicit of emotional avoidance and perceived uncertainty also have positive impact on habit, and it increases the resistance. Furthermore, habit mediates the relationship between antecedents and user resistance, except the factor of emotional aversion and perceived uncertainty. Accroding to the validation of these assumptions, this study provided marketing strategy recommendations to improve the resistance to Internet banking, thereby increasing the adoption and the frequency of use.


Internet banking User resistance Habit


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