  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳炫碩


在競爭市場全球化和國際化的衝擊之下,組織為了適應新的競爭環境,但是在人力、資源、設備和能力卻不足以應付時,會採取與本身組織擁有互補作用的廠商進行合作,結合各自有限的資源,達到互相降低成本與風險並提高績效的作用。然而在與其他廠商進行合作的時候,權力不對稱是必然存在的,買賣雙方在不同依賴程度下,透過不同權力行使的機制,以達到不一樣的績效。 本研究探討了買賣雙方的關係相依性、四種影響策略和兩種採購績效,關係相依性分別為相互依賴與依賴不對稱。影響策略為資訊交換策略、建議策略、承諾策略、威脅策略;而探討的績效為協商效率、生產效率。本研究探討之績效與先前學者們使用財務績效來衡量組織間績效不同,本研究認為應使用交易時的績效來做為組織間績效比較合適,因為財務績效並不只有交易夥伴為影響因素而已,公司內部的人力、能力和資源等也都是影響因素。 實證分析是針對台灣多元件組裝製造業之廠商為研究主體,並請其採購人員或其主管為問卷填答對象,所得樣本為234份。經由實證結果發現,買賣雙方相互依賴性越高正向影響資訊交換策略、建議策略、承諾策略;買方權力優勢只正向影響威脅策略。強制性策略與績效對於採購績效多沒有幫助,而資訊交換策略對協商效率為正向影響、建議策略對生產效率為正向影響,此結果是過去學者在探討組織間關係時從未有過,本研究認為買賣雙方的依賴關係是必然存在的,但擁有權力優勢不一定會使用其權力,而權力的使用方式對組織績效也有不同的表現。 因此,本研究建議買方欲提升採購績效,有別於過去買方常以威脅利誘的權力使用方式,應該藉由提供供應商有利的訊息或是建議,來取得供應商的信任,以促進採購績效。


In the global competitive market and under the international impact, organization has to adapt the new environment of competition, but when the labor, resources, equipments, and ability are actually insufficient to deal with it, they will adopt with which have the supplementary function manufacturer to carry on the cooperation. However, power asymmetry exists within the buyer and suppliers, thus, interorganizational purchasing performance will be affected by different influence strategies. In this research, we will concern relationship interdependence, four influence strategies, and two purchasing performances. We distinguished relationship interdependence into dependence asymmetry and joint dependence. Influence Strategies are information exchange, recommendation, promise and threat. And purchasing performances are negotiation efficiency and production efficiency. What we concern about in performance is transaction performance between organizations instead of financial performance, because the effect factors of performance within organization not only transaction partners but also the human resources, capability, and resources are critical factors. The empirical study aims at multi-part assembly manufactory enterprises, the questionnaires were distributed to the procurement staffs and managers, raising the total response to 234. After the empirical analysis, we found that joint dependence has positive effect to information exchange, recommendation, promise strategies, and dependence asymmetry has positive effect to threat strategies. Then, information exchange strategy has positive effect to negotiation efficiency, and recommendation strategy has positive effect to production efficiency. We thought the interdependence always exists within buyer-supplier. Though Buyers have power advantage, they might not use it. The different use of power could influence purchasing performance in different way. We thought if buyers would like to improve purchasing performance, they should provide supplier some useful information rather than to threaten or bribe suppliers. Therefore suppliers would trust in buyer, and improve the purchasing performance.


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