  • 學位論文


A Study on the Cloud-based Industrial automation Alert Service and Business Model Planning for the UNION Market Enterprise

指導教授 : 范錚強


製造業需要大量的人力及設備,一場突如其來的工安災害,都將造成嚴重的財貨損失。一般的預警模式為現場警示,無法滿足即時性,若能建置「雲端預警」的功能,透過「平台服務」,「軟硬整合」產生新的商業模式是此次研究的目標。長期於產業中銷售感測器與記錄器,以應用經驗的優勢,規劃「預警模式」的類型 ,「預警效益」的差異化(有紙,無紙,數位,簡訊預警,雲端預警);推廣平台應用的便利性,協助產業「預警系統」升級,進而經由雲端記錄,資料的交叉比對,發現「大數據」,對產業的競爭力,能有效的提升。 本研究以工業自動化監測系統的建置架構,導入「感測網路」技術,取代舊有的人工手動記錄巡檢作業,本監測系統以可預警,記錄,及可上雲的人機介面(Human–Machine Interface, HMI)做為資訊整合設備,將監測數據資料傳遞至遠端資料中心(伺服器),以網頁圖形化的操作介面,顯示設備的數據及趨勢圖,並能動態設定多種預警警報,當「異常發生」能自行設定簡訊及郵件發送對象,改善自動化現場的即時管理機制,歷史數據儲存於資料庫,便於日後分析,以發現各個數據與數據間的關聯性,而當設備發生故障或異常時,現場端仍可保留發出警報(Alarm)聲響以提醒操作人員,同步處理。一般而言,現有的傳統產業工廠,自動化系統缺乏遠端監測與控制之能力,僅允許使用者執行現場操作,在設備中設定各種控制參數,多以「人力」來觀察產線狀況。本論文設計一個化繁為簡的服務架構,包含以下三部份:(1)數位或類比感測器安裝-以功能、規格、精度的需求,提供工廠運作所需的各類監測感測器(2)智慧型記錄器(通訊閘道器)-管理工廠內各項設備並利用雲端記錄服務,提供工廠運作所需的日/月/年記錄報表(3)網頁式操作介面-可讓使用者利用瀏覽器透過網際網路操作預警設定。 平台服務模式(1)感測器+平台租賃 (2)感測器+平台轉移,既替客戶自建私有雲。可服務不同的客戶需求,網路技術不斷演進,資料保密、儲存備份的樣態多元,成本降低,也是相關雲端服務普及的原因。 本論文之研究成果可以滿足製造業,工廠自動化遠端監控之技術提升。


Manufacturing requires a lot of manpower and equipment. Sudden disasters will inevitably cause severe loss to the manufacturer. Most widely available alert systems are unable to function in a real-time setting. A well designed network-based system, integrating hardware, software and networks, may fulfill the needs. This can be offered through a cloud-based service. This study propose an architecture for building a new generation alert system, based on the industrial automation monitoring system, incorporating sensor network technology to replace traditional human inspections to achieve effective early warnings. The proposed service will also assist companies to upgrade their management. Through well designed human-machine interface, massive data automatically collected through the senor network can be stored at a remote site. Effective use of the new data can result in new insights through mining of the “big data” that is unavailable before. The proposal simplified the operations, with three components, namely, installations of sensors, smart recorders for data collection and transmissions, and Web-based user interface for ease of use. In addition, this study also analyzed the possible business model, whereby the proposed system can generate enough value for the company. Two alternative service plans can be offered to customers. First, cloud-based service with service charge, in addition to sensor installations. Second, selling of the cloud-base system as a product so that customers can provide their in house service through a private cloud. The services can be customized to meet different customer needs. A feasibility study reveals the viability of the proposal.


Early Warning System Cloud Service IOT


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