  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳 何應欽


早期台商為降低生產成本西遷大陸設廠,從事ODM & OEM代工製造的相關產業,尤其以IT產業,台商在全球之供應鏈上扮演舉足輕重的角色。近年來由於大陸投資與勞動環境的變遷與相關成本的上漲,企業面臨一定程度的挑戰與經營壓力,能否持續獲利已是經營上普遍所面臨之問題,如何在競爭激烈的環境下創造利潤,企業在營運模式上,必須因應在不同的環境與時機下,思考經營策略的轉變及相應之組織調整,以創造附加價值及永續經營的目標。 本個案擬探討T公司電子科技(江蘇)有限公司,目前在大陸江蘇設廠近10年,從早期從事之桌上型電腦、多媒體播放器、CRT顯示器之生產製造,到目前專注其所在之競爭激烈而且成熟的液晶顯示器(LCD Monitor) & 液晶電視(LCD TV)之產業下,就企業永續經營之觀點,探討其在企業經營上所面臨的問題與挑戰,因應經營上的問題,企業現有的經營策略如何轉變以及後續相關之轉型做法,例如如何擴大接單規模、透過大陸內銷品牌推展與集團整合等做法,來創造企業利潤與永續經營之利基。


In the early time,in order to consider costdown for better advantage,most Taiwanes enterprises choose to move to Mainland China and setup its own factory. They engage themelves in ODM and OEM business for their customer in related industry ,especially Taiwanes enterprises play an important role in global IT supply chain. In recent years,China’s invest and labor environment are not so good comparing to before times and operational cost is also getting higher. The enterprises are facing certain degree of management pressure and challenge, whether to continue to have profit is the common issue for them. In order to create the profit in highly competitive enviroement,the enterprise need to rethink about its management strategy how to transform and adjust its organization and operation model to adapt the challenge in different timing and environment in able to creat the value-added and to meet the target of enterprise management in sustainability. This case study is to discuss the T Company of Information Technology (JiangSu) Co., LTD. which setup its factory and run the manufacturing business for around a decade in JiangSu,China. It enages in manufacturing Desktop PC , Media player ,CRT Monitor in early times and it also to focus in highly competition and mature LCD Monitor and LCD TV manufacturing in recent years. In the viewpoints of management sustainability, to discuss the issue and challenge it may face in management and how to cope with its management issue,to study how to transform its management starategy and its afterward strategic methods. For example ,how to expand the operation scale 、promote and develop the company branding in China local market and intergrate its own subsidiary company etc. in order to creat the profit and find the niche of the management sustainability for company.


LCD TV Management Strategy LCD Monitor


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