  • 學位論文


The Policy, Implementation and Development of Keelung Harbor Construction during Japanese Colonial Period(1895-1945)

指導教授 : 張建俅 鍾淑敏


過去對於日治時期臺灣築港的研究,多是置於港口發展的背景,根據官方報告書陳述築港的施設。事實上,殖民政府制定築港的政策考量,其推動過程與演變,與母國政府以及地方社會的互動,都是值得深入探究議題。本文以基隆築港為核心,利用官方檔案、私人文書與報章雜誌等資料,探討築港工程的決策、施行的成果與問題、築港人事的變化、與地方關係等,闡述殖民統治勢力對於臺灣灣港口在轉型或轉折過程的關鍵性影響力。 從本研究可知,近代中國與日本以國家推展築港政策的積極度明顯不同。受到中國保守態度影響,基隆築港在劉銘傳的新政下失敗收場,而在由國家積極主導築港的日本殖民統治下獲得新機。日治初期著重軍事規劃的基隆築港調查,在後藤新平透過事業公債所開啟的基隆築港,改朝商港方向發展,但軍方仍有干預築港政策的力量。 透過國家建立築港機關推行長達四十多年的築港工程,基隆港成為臺灣對日本與國外貿易的重要港口,其築港建設也成為殖民政府的施政宣傳政績。殖民政府藉由法令的制定頒布、扶植官民合作企業等方式,達到對港口施政的掌控。但細究築港政策的推行,可以發現日本政府與總督府之間對於築港規劃的落差,而深深影響基隆築港的發展,例如違憲爭議、南北兩港的競逐,以及大築港計畫的未成等。另外,從築港技術人才的經驗與傳承方面來看,基隆築港不僅是近代日本築港史中的實驗場,對於臺灣其他港口乃至於戰後的臺灣港口建設,也有著重要影響。


Most of studies discussed the construction of Taiwan harbors under Japanese colonial period were based on Official publications to describe the construction and the port development. However, those things are more important which are planning policy, the process of implementing changing, and the interaction between colonial government and colony in construction of harbor. This paper examines the policy, achievement and problems of the Keelung Harbor Construction, also discuss official personnel changing and local relations with the Keelung Harbor Construction Department, and analysis the influence in the port of Taiwan by colonial government. There are obviously differences in the policy of harbor construction between Modern China and Japan. As a result of the conservative forces, the Keelung Harbor Construction by Liu Ming-chuan that was doomed to failure during the late Qing Dynasty. But, the Keelung Harbor Construction was development by the Japanese colonial government. The Keelung Harbor was mainly planed as a naval port in the beginning. When Goto Shimpei has promoted the policy of Taiwan Public Bond Law, Keelung Harbor was changed to construct as a totally commercial port. However, the military still has the power in the policy of Keelung Harbor Construction. After more than forty years, Keelung Harbor was become the most important port between Taiwan and Japan. The achievement of construction has been as the promotional materials of Japanese colonial government. However, there were many disparities on the policy of Keelung Harbor Construction between Japan government and the Governor-General of Taiwan. In order to control the port, colonial government made use of decree, and fostering new companies which were cooperated with official and private business. Besides, anlayzing the experience and inheritance of technicians of harbor construction, which is proved that Keelung Harbor Construction was important in modern Japan and Post-War Taiwan.


