  • 學位論文


Attitude and Knowledge Towards Nutrition Labels of Elderly People:With Chia-Yi Evergreen School As An Example

指導教授 : 黃錦山


本研究旨在探討高齡者對食品營養標示的知識與態度之相關性,以嘉義市長青學苑的高齡學習者為主要研究對象。為達研究目的,本研究蒐集相關文獻進行探討後,採用問卷調查法。以研究者自編的「高齡學習者食品營養標示知識與態度調查問卷」為主要研究工具。依嘉義市長青學苑之學系採分層隨機抽樣,總共發出正式問卷600份,回收579份,扣除無效問卷後得有效樣本數為542份,有效回收率高達90.3 %。經由統計分析方法包含描述性統計分析、平均數差異考驗、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關分析,獲得以下五項結論: 一、高齡學習者的食品營養標示知識以「健康意識」層面表現最佳;而「閱讀及使用」層面最差。 二、高齡學習者的食品營養標示態度以「營養標示教育學習意願」層面表現最佳;而「營養宣稱標示看法」層面最差。 三、影響高齡學習者食品營養標示知識的社會人口因素,包括教育程度、經濟狀況及健康狀況。 四、影響高齡學習者食品營養標示態度的社會人口因素,包括性別、年齡及教育程度。 五、高齡學習者的食品營養標示知識與食品營養標示態度為低度正相關,其中以「營養標示規範」知識和「重視程度」的態度表現相關性最高。 根據上述的研究結論,對國內高齡教育機構提供具體建議,茲分述如下: 一、了解高齡學習者的食品營養標示知識與態度情形,規劃設計營養標示課程及講座,學習正確的營養知識與健康飲食觀念。 二、食品營養標示課程與教材設計需考量高齡學習者之異質性及生理因素。 三、加強針對女性、年齡較高、教育程度較低、經濟程度較低及健康狀況較差的高齡學習者,規劃適合的課程,提升食品營養標示知識程度與正向態度。 四、舉辦代間共同學習食品營養標示的活動,透過代間教育活動,激發高齡學習者的學習動力和參與意願。


This study aims to investigate the relevance between the attitude and knowledge of food nutrition labels, with Chia-Yi Evergreen School as the main study object. In order to achieve the aforementioned target, this study adapts questionnaire survey using questionnaires written by the researcher after collecting and studying the relevant literatures. Respondents are randomly drawn within the CEA, 600 questionnaires were handed out, and 579 of them were collected, with 542 of them being valid samples. The effective rate is a high 90.3%, and after analyzing methods of Descriptive statistics, average variance test (t-test), one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient, the following five conclusions were reached: 1.Elder learners are most knowledgeable when it comes to “health consciousness” of food nutrition labels, and least when it comes to reading and using the nutrition labels. 2. The attitude of elder learners is best when it comes to the willingness to learn about nutrition labels; and worst when it comes to the viewing of the labels. 3. The impacting social-demographic reasons for the knowledge of elder learners on nutrition labels include education levels, financial and health situations. 4. The impacting social-demographic reasons for the attitude of elder learners towards nutrition labels include gender, age and education levels. 5.The relevance between attitude and knowledge towards nutrition labels of elder people appears to be modestly and positively correlated, with the knowledge “nutrition labeling specifications “and “emphasis on attitude” being the closest related. According to the conclusions mentioned above, the specific recommendations for our domestic educational institutions are as following: I. Understand the exact situations of the elderly learners’ attitude and knowledge towards nutrition labels ,design seminars and courses to cultivate correct ideas of common nutrition knowledge and healthy diet. II. During design of these courses and course materials, the heterogeneity and physiological factors of elderly learners must be taken into account. III. Emphasis on female, elderly, relatively uneducated ,those of poorer financial situations and health, design courses that suit the needs of these groups in order to cultivate positive attitude and improve their knowledge towards nutritional labels. IV. Arrange for educational activities to stimulate the learning motivation and willingness to participate.


Knowledge Nutritional Label Elder learners Attitude


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