  • 學位論文


A Study on Life Course and Gerotranscendence Experience Learning of Senior Veterans

指導教授 : 陳毓璟


本研究旨在探討資深榮民的生命歷程及其超越老化經驗學習,以資深 榮民的生命歷程探究其超越老化的經驗學習,因此,提出以下三項研究目 的: 一、 瞭解歷經戰亂之資深榮民的生命歷程及戰爭對其影響; 二、 探究資深榮民的超越老化及其經驗學習; 三、 分析影響資深榮民超越老化之相關因素。 為達到上述之研究目的,本研究循著質性研究之途徑,以敘事研究為基礎,以深度訪談法訪談4 位歷經戰亂之資深榮民,在統整分析他們以生命歷程的敘說訪談之後,獲得了以下之研究結論。 一、歷經戰爭之資深榮民的生命歷程中必須學習面對生死及與親人分離。 二、資深榮民的超越老化除了「宇宙」、「自我」、「社交互動」三層面外,還增加了「迎戰生死」的超越。 三、資深榮民的經驗學習為自主生活知足常樂、歷經生命淬煉生活態度豁達及興趣閱讀學習正向轉念。 四、影響資深榮民超越老化之相關因素包括個人特質、榮民特殊文化背景、人生中的導師及社會的情感支持。 最後,依據研究結論提出三項建議,包含對於榮民服務機構之建議、對於高齡者學習活動的建議、對於高齡服務機構的建議。


This study was conducted to probe into the gerotranscendence experience learning of senior veterans based on their life courses, and thereby putting forward the following three research purposes: 1. Learning about the life courses of Senior Veterans with experience of war and the impact of war thereon. 2. Researching into the gerotranscendence and experience learning of Senior Veterans. 3. Analyzeing the related factors affecting gerotranscendence of Senior Veterans. To reach the above-noted research objective, this study, by means of qualitative research and based on narrative research, interviewed 4 senior veterans with experience of war through in-depth interview, and came to the following conclusion after integrated analysis of the narrative interview on their life courses. I Post war the life courses of Senior Veterans must learn to face death and separate from be loved ones. II In addition to universe selves social interaction these three levels, Senior Veterans of gerotranscendence, also increased postively fight a death. III. Senior Veterans of experiential learning for independent living contented, open-minded attitude towards life after life grown up ,learning to read and positive switched. IV. Influence Senior Veterans of gerotranscendence related factors as the individual qualities, Veterans specific cultural background, life mentor and Emotional support Society. Finally, based on the research conclusion, the paper gives three suggestions, i.e. on veterans services, on elderly learning activities, and on senior citizens learning institutions.


