  • 學位論文


Road to resilience:A study of youth survivors' views of domestic violence and services.

指導教授 : 趙善如


少年發展階段的任務為自我認同與自主性,然而在少年掙脫控制、學習獨立並探索自我的過程中,往往會與照顧者產生衝突。然而,在權力爭奪的表象下,隱含著家庭動力的互動。此外,當少年遭受到虐待後,正式服務體系的服務會帶少年及其家庭造成不同的影響。本研究以少年的觀點出發,探討少年如何看待受虐事件、服務,以及在過程中少年的感受與改變。 本研究是以高雄市受虐少年為研究對象,透過質性一對一深度訪談進行資料蒐集。在2013年2-3月訪談九位少年,透過主題分析法以整體方式呈現少年眼中的受虐圖像及服務。結果發現,少年受虐是家庭動力交織而成的圖像,其中家庭保護功能會牽動少年受虐的危機程度,並且發現少年其實是從兒童虐待走道少年虐待,而且是不斷徘徊在隱忍和揭露的狀態,能夠揭露的關鍵是自我保護意識的提升以及社會支持的作用力。當少年接觸正式服務體系後,相當重視與兒少保社工之間的正向互動關係;此外,在服務過程中,少年若擁有較高的自主權,則其在服務過程中會有較高的投入和參與。至於,少年感受的服務,在家庭維繫方面,是以少年為主體,提供陪伴與支持,並促進少年的獨立能力;在家庭重整方面,雖然寄養家庭與安置機構可以給予基本的生活滿足,但是採權威控制的照顧模式,讓少年感到受限。然而,家庭處遇服務為少年帶來多重的正向意義與改變,但是少年也必須面對親情的失落。


Mission of youth development stage includes self-identity and autonomy. However, during processes of escaping from control, learning how to be independent and exploring self, young people always collide with caregivers. The presentational struggle for authority implies interactions of family power. In addition, when the youth suffers abuse, services provided by formal service system will exert different influences on youths and their families. From perspectives of youths’ views, this study investigates their standpoints of domestic violence and services as well as their feelings and changes during such process. This study uses youth survivors of Kaohsiung City as objects and conducts data collection through qualitative one-on-one in-depth interviews. From February to March of 2013, nine young people were interviewed. Thematic analysis is used to present youth survivors’ views of domestic violence and services in integral fashion. Results show youth abuse is an image interweaved by family power; protection function of family affects crisis degree of youth abuse. This study also finds young people actually experience from childhood abuse to youth abuse and always hesitate between tolerance and disclosure. The key points for being able to disclose include enhancement of self-protection consciousness and effect of social support. If the youth contacts formal service system, they will quite value positive interactive relationship with youth protection volunteers. Moreover, during service processes, young people with higher autonomy will present higher-level devotion and participation. With regard to services for youth’s feeling, family maintenance service will regard young people as subject, offer accompanying and supporting, as well as improve youth’s independence. In respect to family restructuring, foster family and placement agency can satisfy basic life demands, but authority-control caring mode makes youths feel restrained. However, even if family intervention services bring multiple positive significance and changes to youth, but they still must face the sense of loss in family love.




