  • 學位論文


Screening Native Woody Species of Taiwan for Indoor Ornamental Usage by Using Growth and Physiological Performances

指導教授 : 郭耀綸


臺灣原生植物包含588種喬木及420種灌木,但僅有少數植物被開發當做室內觀賞用。本研究目的為藉生長及生理表現篩選適用於室內觀賞的臺灣原生木本植物。本研究選用19種耐陰性較高的臺灣原生木本植物及4種陽性對照組植物供試驗。試驗植物分別放置於室內、室外低光及室外中光等三個環境。室內環境將溫度設定在26℃,光照約為7~9 µmol photon m-2 s-1。處理3個月後,計算各植物的長葉落葉指標、存活死亡指標,以及光合作用指標,再將此三項合併為量化總指標。 試驗結果顯示,供試19種植物有15種在室內環境處理期間無死亡植株,而華紫金牛則全部死亡。竹柏、臺灣假黃楊及蓮葉桐長葉率高而落葉率少,因此有較高的長葉落葉指標值。菲島福木於試驗期間無長葉及落葉。雪下紅、賽赤楠及子彈石櫟則長葉少落葉多,長葉落葉指標為負值。陽性植物的長葉落葉指標只有構樹為正值,其餘3植物為負值。處理三個月後有13種植物的淨光合作用率為正值(0.07~0.28 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1),而枯里珍、賽赤楠、臺灣八角、雪下紅及子彈石櫟則為負值(-0.05~-0.18 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1),陽性植物的淨光合作用率也均是負值。歸納各植物的生長及生理表現,發現象牙樹、鐵色、菲島福木、蓮葉桐、臺灣假黃楊、竹柏、小葉羅漢松、棋盤腳、軟毛柿、毛柿、菱葉衛矛及月橘等12種植物,於室內環境生長及生理表現良好,量化總指標值均為正值,故有可能發展成室內觀賞植物。然而,蘭嶼肉桂、枯里珍、賽赤楠、臺灣八角、雪下紅、子彈石櫟及華紫金牛等7種較耐陰的植物,於室內環境會嚴重落葉,且淨光合作用率多為負值,量化總指標值均為負值,故不適宜當做室內觀賞用。上述量化總指標為正值的12種植物中,除菱葉衛矛外,其餘11種植物於室外低光環境的量化總指標也是正值,與室內環境的試驗結果一致,故未來可直接於室外設置低光環境進行室內觀賞植栽的篩選。 可能發展成室內觀賞的12種植物中,象牙樹、鐵色、菲島福木、蓮葉桐、臺灣假黃楊、竹柏、小葉羅漢松等7植物於試驗期間甚少發生病蟲害,葉形及樹形也較具特色,是本研究優先推薦供室內觀賞的臺灣原生木本植物。 關鍵字:長葉落葉指標、室內觀賞植物、臺灣原生木本植物、淨光合作用率、耐陰性。


There are 588 trees and 420 shrubs native to Taiwan. Yet only a few of them have been selected for the usage of indoor ornamental purpose. The aim of this study is to select suitable native woody plants for indoor usage based on their growth and physiological performances. Nineteen shade-tolerant native woody species and 4 shade-intolerant species which served as control were tested in this study. Tested plants were placed in indoor, outdoor-low-light, and outdoor-medium-light experimental sites. Indoor environment was maintained at a room temperature of 26℃ with light intensity around 7~9 µmol photon m-2 s-1. Three months after the treatment, we calculated three indexes, including leaf growth index, survival and mortality index, and photosynthesis index, for each species. A final quantitative score was calculated by integrating the above three indexes. Results showed that, 15 out of the 19 tested species did not have any dead seedlings, but seedlings of Ardisia chinensis were all dead. Seedlings of Hernandia nymphiifolia, Liodendron formosanum, and Nageia nagi had higher rate in newly formed leaves and lower rate in defoliate leaves, so that they had higher value for this index. Seedlings of Garcinia subelliptiva did not grow any new leaves and shed any old leaves. Seedlings of Acmena acuminatissima, Ardisia villosa, and Lithocarpus glabra, grew less new leaves and shed more old leaves, so they had a negative value for this index. As for the 4 control shade-intolerant species, only Broussonetia papyrifera showed positive, while the other 3 species were all negative for this index. After 3-month treatment, there were 13 tested species showed positive net photosynthetic rates (0.07 ~ 0.28 µmol m-2 s-1), while Acm. acuminatissima, Antidesma pentandrum, Ard. villosa, Illicium arborescens, and Lit. glabra showed negative photosynthetic rates (-0.05 ~ -0.18 µmol m-2 s-1). Summarized from the growth and physiological performances of each species, we found that Barringtonia asiatica, Diospyros eriantha, Dio. ferrea, Dio. Philippensis, Drypetes littoralis, Euonymus tashiroi, G. subelliptiva, H. nymphiifolia, Lio. formosanum, Murraya paniculata, N. nagi, and Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki all had potential to be indoor ornamental plants since their final quantitative scores were all positive. On the other hand, Acm. acuminatissima, Ard. chinensis, Ant. Pentandrum, Ard. villosa, Cinnamomum kotoense, I. arborescens, and Lit. glabra had severely defoliated in indoor environment, and their net photosynthetic rates were mostly negative. Their final quantitative scores were all negative, so these species were not suitable as indoor ornamental plants. Among the 12 species with positive final quantitative scores, 11 of them (except E. tashiroi) also showed positive scores under outdoor-low-light environment, a consistent result with that of indoor environment. Thus, we suggest that an outdoor-low-light experimental site can be considered for screening indoor ornamental plants if experimental space is a concern. Among the 12 potential candidates for indoor ornamental plants, 7 species, including Dio. ferrea, Dry. littoralis, G. subelliptiva, H. nymphiifolia, Lio. formosanum, N. nagi, and P. macrophyllus var. maki, were the most recommended native species, because they had little pest infestation and diseases during the experiment, and showed excellent appearances in leaf forms and tree shape. Keywords: leaf growth index, indoor ornamental plants, native woody species of Taiwan, net photosynthetic rates, shade tolerance.


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