  • 學位論文


Challenges and Measures for Transformation of Betel Nut Farming in Pingtung Plain in the Case of Jutian Township

指導教授 : 曾純純


竹田鄉從生產稻米的主產地,約莫三十幾年的光景,就因國家農業政策的易弦,變成為全國檳榔種植面積比例最高的鄉鎮,檳榔的產值成為鄉親每年很重要的經濟收入來源。近年來政府相關單位大力宣導三不政策(不禁止、不鼓勵、不輔導)及吃檳榔對健康有負面影響,檳榔價格已不如往昔,影響到竹田鄉農民的生計,面對政策不管、農民老化、土地疲倦、生產成本等問題,農民廢園轉作的意願,普遍還是保留觀望的態度。 本研究旨在瞭解竹田鄉的檳榔產業轉型困境、文化觀光資源的概況,在參考相關文獻後,使用參與觀察法、深度訪談法,從竹田鄉的種植檳榔戶、檳榔「行口」業者、販售業者等的角度,分析竹田鄉檳榔產業由盛至衰的境況,再訪談公部門與社區發展協會,探討地方推動檳榔文化創意產業及開發附加價值,並對遊客做一調查,以提出未來檳榔產業轉型、因應、整合行銷策略。 研究結果顯示,農民廢除檳榔園不僅有利國人健康、國土保安,轉作後更可增加收益。唯檳榔轉作面臨產銷與管理的問題,餐飲業面臨檳榔心等食材供應鏈不足,檳榔扇業面臨行銷通路建置不完全,技藝傳承不易,生活環境營造面臨難以形塑、發展出檳榔文化特色等問題。因此檳榔產業必須與其他產業進行異業結盟合作、發展微型創業、加強附加產品研發升級、做出品牌認證、加強檳榔產業與觀光遊憩資源整合行銷等,使檳榔產業拓展應用領域、範圍,朝產業觀光化、休閒產業、知識產業來發展,以利檳榔文化延續、檳榔景觀再生。


Pingtung County was once home to the largest sum of betel nut farmlands in Taiwan. In the middle of Pingtung Plain, with the right soil and climate, Jutian Township is suitable for growing betel nut palms, which was once a major source of income for residents of the township. In recent years, the government implemented a “3-No’s” policy - no ban, no encouragement, and no guidance - for betel nut farming while educating the public on the harms of chewing betel nuts, which has caused the price of betel nuts to plummet, affecting the livelihood of Jutian residents. Political negligence, aging of farmers, and loss of soil fertility, among other concerns, have caused farmers to be hesitant about making decision for their future. The purpose of this study is to understand the challenges faced by betel nut farming and tourist resources in Jutian Township by investigating the decline of betel nut farming in Jutian from the perspectives of betel nut farmers, betel nut wholesalers, and betel nut retailers. This study also includes interviews with government agencies and the local Community Development Association regarding developing and marketing local cuisine and betel nut palm hand fan products, as well as survey of tourists, to propose transformation, restoration, and integrated marketing strategies for the betel nut industry. Results showed that because of the harms of chewing betel nuts, the prices of betel nuts have been falling for years, and it would be for the benefit of public health and soil conservation for farmers to abandon betel nut farming and convert to other crops that yield higher financial gain. However, challenges exist for the transformation of betel nut farming. For instance, the supply of betel nut stem is unreliable for the catering industry. Also, makers of betel nut palm hand fans lack complete sales channels and ways to train the next generation of makers, making it difficult to form a cultural environment around betel nut farming. This study suggests that the betel nut farming industry must form cross-industry alliances, develop micro-enterprises, enhance product development and upgrades, establish brand identity, and integrate betel nut farming with tourist resources to expand the applications of betel nut farming, transforming it into an industry of tourism, recreation, and knowledge, so that the culture of betel nuts can continue, and betel nut farming landscapes can be revitalized.


古宜靈、廖淑容(2003)。文化產業政策專區的趨勢與問題。都市計劃, 31(2),91-111。
