  • 學位論文


Allelopathic potential of five species of Litsea

指導教授 : 顏才博


農業現代化後,雜草防治對於農業生產量的影響,一直是個重要的課題。為了提升產量而大量使用農藥,其中又以除草劑佔最大宗,但是農藥殘留不易分解,進而造成土壤與水資源汙染,影響農業生態系極大。因此,若能將易於分解之植物相剋物質作為天然除草劑,取代或減少化學農藥用量,將可有效降低環境污染,有利於生態與人類。木薑子屬植物活性物質之相剋作用的相關研究,至目前為止並無完整報告。因此,台灣木薑子屬之植物相剋作用潛能值得予以深入研究探討。故本研究主要評估五種木薑子屬植物,山胡椒(Litsea cubeba)、長葉木薑子(Litsea acuminata)、屏東木薑子(Litsea akoensis)、小梗木薑子(Litsea hypophaea)與鹿皮斑木薑子(Litsea coreana )之葉部及枝條水溶萃取液與葉部揮發性成分,對小白菜(Brassica chinennsis L.)、紫花苜宿(Medicago sativa L.)與大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa var. radiata)種子之植物相剋潛能。相剋物質對種子發芽、幼根與幼莖生長之抑制能力,為植物毒性強弱之指標,揮發性成分組成則以固相微萃取法(SPME)吸附,再經由氣相層析/質譜儀(GC/MS)分析及鑑定其成分。 由結果顯示,對小白菜發芽之試驗中,屏東木薑子葉部5 %水溶萃取液呈現最強之植物毒性,發芽之抑制率高達86.7%,其次為山胡椒枝條5%水溶萃取液,抑制率為83.3%。對紫花苜宿發芽之試驗,以鹿皮斑木薑子葉部5%水溶萃取液有最強之植物毒性,發芽抑制率高達93.3%,其次為小梗木薑子葉部水溶萃取液,抑制率為90%。對大花咸豐草發芽之試驗,長葉木薑子葉部5%水溶萃取液和小梗木薑子枝條5%水溶萃取液呈現最強之植物毒性,發芽抑制率皆達86.7%,其次為山胡椒葉部5%水溶萃取液,抑制率為80%。對小白菜幼根及莖部生長,除了長葉木薑子以外,其餘木薑子葉部與枝條5% (w/v)水溶萃取液皆有81.4%至96.4%之抑制率,至於紫花苜蓿,則以小梗木薑子與鹿皮斑木薑子葉部水溶萃取於5%濃度時,抑制幼根與莖部達96.4%至99%。而對大花咸豐草而言,則以山胡椒葉部水溶萃取液對幼根與莖有最佳的抑制效果,抑制率分別為95%和95.1%。整體上小梗木薑子與山胡椒水溶萃取液具有較強烈之植物毒性,可說是最具有植物相剋潛能的樹種。 揮發性成分分析方面,五種樹種葉部所分析出之揮發性成分之數量分別為山胡椒、長葉木薑子和鹿皮斑木薑子具有12種成分、小梗木薑子具有15種成分,而屏東木薑子具有21種成分。13種主要揮發性成分對三種受測種子,以大花咸豐草最易被揮發性成分抑制。其中,瓦倫西亞桔烯(Valencene)和蒈烯(Carene)對大花咸豐草發芽之植物毒性最明顯(IC50 < 100 μg/mL),對幼根生長,以瓦倫西亞桔烯(Valencene)之植物毒性最強(IC50 < 100 μg/mL),其他成分對幼根生長之IC50值由低至高分別為十二醛(Dodecanal) <桉樹腦(Cineole) <蒈烯(Carene);對大花咸豐草莖部生長之抑制,則以瓦倫西亞桔烯(Valencene)和十二醛(Dodecanal)呈現最佳效果(IC50 < 100 μg/mL),其次IC50值由低至高分別為蒈烯(Carene) <月桂烯(Myrcene) <桉樹腦(Cineole)。揮發性成分中則以瓦倫西亞桔烯(Valencene)、十二醛(Dodecanal)、桉樹腦(Cineole)以及蒈烯(Carene)之植物毒性較強,相當值得進一步研究其應用為天然除草劑之潛力。


Weed management has been an important issue in modern agriculture practice. Among the strategies of controlling weeds, using synthetic herbicides is the most popular method due to its effectiveness and low cost. However, the residuals of herbicides are resistant to decomposition and easily build up in soil or dissolved into water consequently causing environmental pollution and irreversible damages to ecosystem. Developing environmental-friendly herbicides with biodegradable plant phytotoxins is one of the on-going solutions. The allelopathic potential of Litsea have not been reported, and are worthy of study. Therefore, this study was to investigate the allelopathic potential of five Litsea species against three different plants, and also analyzed the chemical compositions of volatile compounds from five species. Germination, radicle and stem growths were used to evaluate the allelopathy potential of each species. Analyses of chemical compositions for volatile compounds were carried out by solid phase extraction (SPME) and gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The results showed that the aqueous extracts of Litsea cubeba, Litsea hypophaea, Litsea akoensis revealed significant phytotoxicities against Brassica chinennis, Medicago sativa and Bidens pilosa. Volatiles compounds were identified and the numbers of compounds for the leaves of each species were as follows: L. acuminate (12), L. cubeba (12), L. hypophaea (15), L. akoensis (21) and L. coreana (12). Thirteen dominated compounds were selected for phytotoxicity analyses. Monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids were the major types of compounds. Among the thirteen volatile compounds, Valencene, Dodecanal, Cineole and Carene exhibited very strong phytotoxicities with IC50 values lower than 200 µg/mL on the germination, radicle and stem growths of tested weeds. In conclusion, water extracts of L. cubeba, L. hypophaea, L. akoensis, and volatile compounds (Valencene, Dodecanal, Cineole and Carene) have high potential to be developed as natural herbicides and are worthy of further investigation on their phytotoxic mechanisms.


郭耀綸(2001)外來入侵種長穗木之個體生態學性狀及相剋作用潛力。台灣林業科學 16: 103-104。
張慶恩(2005)台灣樟科植物之研究綜述。中華林學季刊 38: 133-145。


