  • 學位論文


Effect of Different Water Absorbent Application Rates and Culture System on TTES No. 18 Tea Production and Orchard Soil Elements.

指導教授 : 謝清祥


茶(Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze),是以採摘幼嫩芽葉為主要利用部位之多年生木本特用作物,為臺灣重要的經濟作物之一。本研究目的為探討臺茶十八號紅茶茶園不同耕作方式及施用不同用量保水劑,對芽葉性狀及土壤養分之影響情形,以期能了解適合茶樹生長的栽培方式,及施用不同用量保水劑之組合處理,進而提高芽葉品質、節省灌溉水資源及合理使用肥料量。本試驗以兩種不同栽培方式(草生栽培及淨耕栽培)以及施用不同克數保水劑(0、125、250及375 g/5.04m2)處理組合進行。試驗結果顯示:添加保水劑處理有利於茶葉心芽、葉長、葉寬、葉面積之成長,第一葉長以施用125 g/5.04m2增加0.44 cm、第一葉寬及葉面積以施用375 g/m2增加0.16 cm及1.03 cm2,第二葉長以250 g/5.04m2增加0.81 cm、第二葉寬及葉面積以施用375 g/5.04m2增加0.35 cm及2.93 cm2,芽葉鮮重以施用125 g/5.04m2增加162.5 g,草生栽培芽葉增加245.31 g鮮重,與淨耕栽培具顯著差異性,其餘調查項目上雖無顯著差異,但以施用保水劑處理組表現均較佳。 草生栽培經15個月處理後、茶葉產量逐漸穩定成長,土壤含水量高於淨耕處理組,土壤pH值逐漸穩定,淨耕處理組則偏酸趨勢,最低達到pH 3.94;草生栽培之土壤氮含量與淨耕栽培比較呈下降趨勢。添加保水劑處理組其土壤之含水量、有效氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂含量均呈現較高趨勢,且都以保水劑處理有較高的土壤有效性元素含量。 整體而言,草生栽培搭配保水劑施用於紅茶茶園確能達到省水、保水及保肥之功效,建議田間用量為茶園實行草生栽培方式推薦搭配施用375 g/5.04m2保水劑。


Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) is a used by picking young tealeaf for drink (perennial woody plant) and an important economic crop in Taiwan. The purpose of this study were to investigate the TTES No. 18 black tea plant growth responses under different tillage systems and combined with application of different water absorbent dosages and impact on soil nutrient elements in order to find the best application combination of cultural system and water absorbent treatments dosage. The results can improve the quality of tea, water-saving on irrigation and less amount of fertilizer applications. Two different cultivation methods (sod culture and clean cultivation) as well as different amount of water absorbent agent (0,125,250 and 375 g g/5.04m2) treatment combinations were tested. The test results showed that: application of water absorbent treatment increased number of tea buds,promote leaves length, leaf width and leaf area growth. The bud leaf length under 125 g/5.04m2 water absorbent treatment increased 0.44 cm, the first leaf width and leaf area increased (0.16 cm and 1.03 cm2) under 375 g /5.04m2 treatment. The second leaf length increased 0.81 cm under 250 g/5.04m2 treatment. The second leaf width and leaf area increased (0.35 cm and 2.93 cm2) under 375 g/5.04m2. Shoots fresh weight increased 162.5 g under 125 g/5.04m2 treatment. Sod cultivation significantly increased fresh weight of bud 245.31 g/5.04m2 as compared to the clean cultivation. Although there is no significant differences on the remaining afronomic traits, but applying water absorbent all showed better performances. It is recommended to apply 375 g/5. 04m2 water absorbent implement in sod cultivation of tea plantation, thus can improve the production of tea and effectively maintain higher nutrient content in the soil.


吳昭慧、連大進。(2003)綠肥大豆臺南7 號之育成。臺南區農業改良場研究彙報42:1-22。
