  • 學位論文


Customer’s Switching Behavior: from Electronic Commerce to Mobile Commerce

指導教授 : 李家瑩


由於智慧型手機與平板的崛起,行動商務也成為市場的新興議題。本研究發現電子商務與行動商務各有不同的優缺點且不相牴觸,行動商務可以透過行動裝置隨時隨地的上網購物,而電子商務則是提供了大螢幕、多功能等因素,致使消費者使用態度也有所不同。過去關於行動商務之相關研究,大多著重於採用行為、介面設計、使用環境、顧客信任、顧客忠誠度、價值鏈分析與未來發展,並沒有探討消費者從電子商務轉至行動商務之轉換行為的探討,因此本研究以PPM模型(push-pull-mooring model)為基礎,探討消費者從電子商務到行動商務之轉換行為研究,並參考國外學者之文獻設計問卷,共回收351份有效問卷,研究結果顯示電子商務之低度感知有用性、低度感知有用性易用性及低度感知有用性安全性組合成的推力對轉換意向顯著影響,而行動商務的普及性及個性化產生的拉力,對消費者的轉換意向有正向顯著影響。繫助力的部分,除轉換成本及過去轉換經驗對轉換意向亦有顯著影響外,轉換成本對拉力與轉換意向有干擾效果,過去轉換經驗則是對推力與轉換意向及拉力與轉換意向均具干擾效果。本研究結果將作為線上購物業者在不同平台執行銷售策略時之參考。


Due to the rapid development of mobile technology, mobile commerce has become a new opportunity of marketing. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) and mobile commerce (m-commerce) have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, m-commerce helps consumers shop at anytime and anywhere with the mobile devices, where as e-commerce provides a large screen and a multi-function interface for consumers. Past research about m-commerce mainly focused on usage behavioral, interface design, environment, customer trust, loyalty, value chain analysis and future development. Few stydies investigated consumer’s switching behavior between e-commerce and m-commerce. On the basis of the Push-Pull-Mooring Model, this study explored consumers’ switching behavior between e-commerce and m-commerce. This study used questionnaire suvey to collect data from consumers who have ever purchase products online through personal computer and mobile devices, such as mobile phone and tablet. Finally, 351 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that the push effects, in terms of low perceived usefulness, low perceived ease of use and low perceived security, significantly influence consumers’ switching intention. Pull effect, in terms of ubiquity and personalization, significantly influence consumers’ switching intention. Mooring effects, in terms of switching cost and past switching experience, also significantly influence consumers’ switching intention. Switching cost moderates the influences of pull effects on consumers’ switching intention, whereas past switching experience moderates the influecnes of push and pull effects on consumers’ switching intention. The results of this study will provide managerial implocations for managers of the online shopping industry while the implementation of the marketing strategies on the different selling platforms.


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