  • 學位論文


The Study of Non-Performing Loans and Legal Analysis of Banking System

指導教授 : 李宏仁


銀行的逾期放款比率已經取代過去以銀行盈餘作為檢視銀行體質的重要指標,近年來國內銀行的不良債權金額龐大,使得銀行資產品質惡化,已侵蝕銀行的營收與淨值,同時也影響銀行業務的正常經營,導致問題金融機構所引發的金融風暴對整體經濟的影響,其層面所及至深且廣。依此,近年來政府雖積極的進行金融改革,達成大幅降減逾期放款之目標,然而該成效實質上涵蓋銀行自行大量轉銷呆帳及出售不良債權予資產管理公司。是以,若能有效預防與管理銀行之不良債權與逾期放款,一者,能減少不良債權發生;二者,能迅速、有效的處理不良債權之問題,不僅可改善我國銀行之財務體質,並有助於企業營運與整體經濟的發展。 解決銀行不良債權之機制雖有眾多方式,然而仍以行政院金融重建基金、民營的資產管理公司及銀行本身自行催收為主要三大機制,催收實務上,以銀行自行催收為大宗。又我國銀行承辦擔保放款,授信戶所提供之擔保品係以不動產為主,因此,銀行自行催收之模式,大致上可分為和解或法律訴追暨強制執行之方式,如何突破傳統催收模式的桎梏,發展知識經濟與創新思維,尋覓處理不良債權之最佳機制,運用和解與訴追併行之催收模式,以助於我國銀行預防不良債權發生,同時提昇銀行債權回收速度與成數,並減少銀行呆帳損失,對整體清理不良債權與逾期放款當有所助益。


When evaluating a bank system, we first consider the overdue bank loans rate which is more effective than the profit of bank to become a target.In recent years, the number of non-performing loans is growing in banks of our country; it leads the asset quality become worse. This phenomenon has made damage to the revenue of bank and net worth of bank.At the same time, it influences the general work of bank business, too.Some abnormal financial institutions cause financial crisis which make a terrible problem to economy as a whole. It influences deeply and widely to many different layers.Therefore, the government actively implements financial reform to reduce the amount of overdue loans. However, this result is including that the bank writes off huge bad debt and sells the non-performing loans to the asset management company.If we can validly prevent and manage the overdue bank loans and non-performing loans, in the first, it decreases the rate of non-performing loans; the second, we can quickly and effectively deal with non-performing loans. It is not only improving the financial structure of banks in our country, but also helpful to business operations and the overall economy. There are many solutions to clear up the non-performing bank loans. We still depend on three major systems such as Executive Yuan Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), the private asset Management Company, and the bank takes the overdue receivables by itself. In fact, most of non-performing loans are collect by banks.In our country, when the bank secured lending, the most borrowers provided real estate-based as credit guarantees. When the bank collects non-performing loans, they may give assent to reconciliation or follow legal channels to execute. How to break the traditionally form and develop the knowledge-based economy and the improvement to find out the best way to solute the non-performing loans. Combining reconciliation and legal channels to collect and prevent bad debt. Increasing the speed of claims recovery and its rate and reducing the bad debt are helpful to clear up the non-performing loans and overdue loans.


14.陳錦村,如何檢視免列報逾期放款之財務行為,台灣金融財務季刊,3卷,1 期,2002年。
