  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Satisfaction and Productivity of Healthcare Information Systems: Physicians’ Perspectives

指導教授 : 郭光明


背景與目的:醫療資訊系統之發展是以醫院管理與臨床服務為導向,對支援醫療人員之臨床作業有相當大的幫助,因此醫療資訊系統之發展是否成功,能為臨床醫師所接受是相當重要的管理議題,本研究之主要目的為分析醫療資訊系統的系統品質、資訊品質與服務品質屬性的重要表現程度。藉由探討醫療資訊系統對於醫師滿意度與生產力的影響,可驗證醫院在醫療資訊系統的投資是否真能改善醫師的滿意度與生產力;此外,藉由重要表現分析,更可知道如何從系統品質、資訊品質與服務品質的角度來改善醫療資訊系統,讓醫療資訊系統能夠更符合醫師的需求,進而改善醫師的滿意度與生產力。 材料與方法:本研究以DeLone and McLean等學者所提出之資訊系統成功模式為基礎研究提出包括:系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質、滿意度及生產力五個構面,以問卷調查法進行調查,針對南部某醫療財團法人組織下之所有醫師(主治醫師、住院醫師及畢業後新進醫師)進行問卷調查。 結果與結論:本研究共發放190份問卷,回收有效問卷133份,回收率達70%。資料分析結果顯示系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質與滿意度、生產力相互間具備正向相關關係,意即個案醫院醫師對於使用醫療資訊系統所認知的系統品質、資訊品質及服務品質是讓醫師在臨床照護工作感到是滿意的,且可達到有助於執行臨床照護工作便易性並提升生產力。依據重要表現分析結果推論,個案醫院醫師對於醫療資訊系統的滿意度角度來看分析結果,以資訊品質為最需優先加強改善的重點;生產力角度來看分析結果,資訊品質則落在次要改善的重點,經由上述結果可得知個案醫院應於著重於資訊品質,作為加強改善醫院之醫療資訊系統主要方向。


Background and Purpose: Healthcare information systems that are oriented towards hospital management and clinical services are helpful in supporting the clinical practice of healthcare professionals. The success of the development of healthcare information systems is based on the acceptance of clinicians, which is a very important management issue. The main purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to analyse the importance and performance of system quality, information quality and service quality of healthcare information systems, and (2) to explore the impact of healthcare information systems on physician satisfaction and productivity. Via this study, hospitals can verify whether the investment in healthcare information systems improves physician satisfaction and productivity. Further, hospitals can learn how to improve the healthcare information system from the perspective of system quality, information qualityand service quality. Materials and Methods: This study is based on the information system success model presented by DeLone and McLean. The constructs of this research model include system quality, information quality, service quality satisfaction; and productivity. Survey methodology was adopted and the subjects included physicians, residents, and post-graduated year healthcare professionals from alarge healthcare groups in southern Taiwan. Results and Conclusions: A total of 190 questionnaires were distributed and 133 valid questionnaires were collected. The response rate was approximately 70%. The results showed that there were positive relationships between system quality, information quality, service quality, satisfaction, and productivity. It may imply that when subjects use the healthcare information systems, they are satisfied with the system quality, information quality, and service quality, further indicating that the system helps physicians to improve clinical care and increase their productivity. Moreover, according to important performance analysis, the results showed that information quality had the highest priority and needed to be improved. The hospital should therefore focus on information quality to improve the healthcare information system.


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