  • 學位論文


Security and Availability Enhancement by Using the Four Layer Architecture of IoT

指導教授 : 王順生 王淑卿


隨著資訊技術不斷演進,以及IPv6技術的日漸成熟,一個以未來網路的新概念應用於具有感測、網路以及運算功能進而發展成智能物件(Smart Object),使物件與物件能進行資料傳遞,形成新興的網路環境,稱之為物聯網(Internet of Things;IoT)。 過去有關物聯網中介層之研究,無法解決物聯網環境可能出現不準確的資料、龐大複雜化的資料以及資料不安全性的問題。因此,本研究提出一個中介層框架來進行感知層資料的過濾與整合,以獲得有意義的資訊。 在本研究提出的中介層框架下,感知層使用安全水準協議(Security Level Agreement;SLA)的概念來降低計算的成本,並且在中介層與感知層之間使用數位簽章的概念提出輕量安全機制,經由中介層讓感知層內感測節點的身分具有可驗證性與不可否認性,進而提升物聯網的安全性環境的安全性。 本研究在雲端計算資源層提出三階段排程演算法,以P-ESJF(Priority-Enhanced Shortest Job First)、P-EOLB(Priority-Enhanced Opportunistic Load Balancing)與EMM(Enhanced Min-Min)排程演算法改善系統效能,使得每個需要執行的工作都能被分配到適當的資源並改善每個服務節點的負擔與降低資源的浪費。


Currently, information technology is developing rapidly, and resulting in the vigorous development of the IPv6. The new concept of the future network is applied to the smart objects which have sensing, networking and computing abilities, and the ability to transfer data between the objects; the novel network environment is called the Internet of Things (IoT). The past researches of the middleware layer in the IoT have not discussed inaccurate information, large and complex information and data insecurity issues. Thus, a framework of middleware is proposed to solve these problems through data filtering and integration to draw on meaningful information. This study used the concept of security level agreements to reduce the risk of data being subject to malicious attacks, as well as the computational cost of data encrypted in the perception layer. And the digital signature is used to establish a lightweight security mechanism between the application and the perception layer. Through the framework of the middleware layer, the identity of the application and the perception layer will have a verification and non-repudiation, and the security of the IoT can be obtained. This study proposed Three-Phase Scheduling (3PS) under a cloud computational resource layer, to improve the effectiveness of the system. Thereby, each task to be performed can be assigned to the appropriate resources, while improving the load on each service node and reducing the waste of resources.


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