  • 學位論文

組織公平性、工作滿足感與組織公民行為之 關聯性研究─以國營企業為例


指導教授 : 林信雄


自1979年以來,民營化在英國的倡導之下已成為全球重要的政治及經濟議題。世界經濟在自由化、國際化的潮流趨勢下,各國原有國營企業除負有政府政策者外,皆朝向民營化邁進。台灣亦因經濟逐步轉型而迫使國營企業逐漸失去其原有的地位,而在此同時政府於國營企業在完成階段性任務後,亦採行民營化措施以期將民間企業的活力與彈性能導入國營企業中,並藉由市場機制使整體經濟資源能達成最有效的配置與利用之外,並將所有權移轉民間為改革重心,因此未來國營企業改革的重點應在於如何發揮經濟效益及兼顧社會公平與員工權益。 本研究之目的是在於探討我國公務人員在國內的國營事業邁向民營化期間對組織公平認知的差異性,以及進一步地找出不同特性的員工所具有之不同的公平認知將會如何地影響表現工作滿足感及組織公民行為的意願。最後,研究者希望能夠對組織公平性、組織公民行為與工作滿足感等三個變項之間的關係及相互的影響有深入的探討以能夠對管理實務有所貢獻。 本研究中,研究者選取五家國營企業作為研究樣本與採用敘述性統計、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析、逐步迴歸分析、多元迴歸分析以及淨相關分析以探討組織公平性、工作滿足感與組織公民行為之關係。 這項研究的主要發現總結如下: 1. 員工的不同性別或職位將會與組織公平的認知有顯著的相關性。也就是說,國內國營事業的員工會因為他們的性別及職位的因素而關心其對組織公平的認知。 2. 員工的不同性別、年齡、年資與收入與組織公民行為的表現有顯著的相關性。也就是說,國內國營事業的員工會因為他們的性別、年齡、年資與收入等因素而表現其組織公民行為。 3. 員工的不同年齡、年資與收入將會與工作滿足感有顯著的相關性。也就是說,國內國營事業的員工會因為他們的年齡、年資與收入等因素而影響其工作滿足感。 4. 組織公平性與組織公民行為之間會有顯著的相關性。國內的國營事業的員工可能會因為其組織公平的認知而表現出組織公民行為。 5. 組織公平性與工作滿足感之間不具有顯著的相關性。換句話說,國內的國營事業的員工將不會因為他們對組織公平的認知而產生工作滿足感。 6. 工作滿足感將不會影響到組織公平性與組織公民行為之間的相關性。換句話說,無論國內的國營事業的員工是否具有工作滿足感,他們依然會因為組織公平的認知而表現出組織公民行為。 本研究之管理意涵及研究建議如下: 在本研究中,我們發現國營企業員工的組織公平認知對於其工作滿足感並無顯著的影響,原因是國營企業員工的權益原本就已受到相關公務人員法令的保障,故他們不會因為來自組織的公平待遇而產生較高的工作滿足感。反之,不當的績效評估及不公平的獎酬系統亦不會降低其工作滿足感及工作績效,因為他們的權益在其進入國營企業時就已受到上述法令的保障。但是民營化之後,獎酬系統及升遷機會仍可能提昇員工們的工作滿足感及工作績效。 在本研究中,我們亦發現組織公平性與組織公民行為之間存在著正向的關係。可能的意涵是管理階層可依據員工們在國營企業所受到的公平待遇來預測他們的組織公民行為。管理階層應在員工們產生表現組織公民行為的意願之前,便先改善他們對組織公平待遇的感受。如果員工們認同來自組織的公平對待,他們將會自發地表現出組織公民行為,而管理階層也能藉此改善組織的營運效能。 本研究之樣本數相對地顯得較小。樣本數目越大,在國營事業中探討這三個變數之間的關係也就顯得越敏感。後續的研究應該要涵豪銗L產業或非國營事業的更多樣本。公務人員在民營化之後將會面臨到較過去更為激烈的競爭以及他們原本受到我國政府所保障的權益也將會因此而減低。因此,我們建議未來的研究可將重點放在不同的產業中以便能更加地瞭解組織公平性、組織公民行為與工作滿足感之間的關係在實務上的改變。


Privatization has become an important political and economic issue since it burst onto the policy advocated by England. And under the trends of liberalization and internationalization of worldwide economy, the originally state-run enterprises of various countries successively follow the policies of their governments and march towards privatization. In Taiwan, the step-by-step change in the economic pattern force the state-run enterprises to gradually lost their original position as a result of economic liberalization and meanwhile, state-owned enterprises, upon completion of their missions in stages, are to see the vitality and flexibility of private businesses to be added to the state-owned enterprise. The government also hopes that the overall economic resources can be most efficiently allocated and used through market mechanism. With the privatization reform, which focuses on transferring ownership to the public, the future state-run enterprises’ reformation should lay stress on exerting utmost economic potential and protecting social justice as well as employees’ interest. This study is aimed at exploring the difference in justice perceptions among the diverse public servants during the period when domestic state-run enterprises are striding toward privatization. In addition, it tries to find out how employees with different perceptions of justice will affect their willingness to perform organizational citizenship behaviors and job satisfaction. Finally, this student hopes to gain insight into how the three variables of organizational justice, organizational citizenship behavior, and job satisfaction are related in order to contribute to managerial practices. In this study, the researcher choose five domestic state-run enterprises as research samples and adopted descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA, regression analysis, stepwise regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and partial correlation analysis to identify the relationships among the variables. The major findings of this study are summarized as the following: 1. Genders and positions are significantly correlated with the perceptions of organizational justice. That is to say, domestic state-own enterprises’ employeesmay care about the perceptions of organizational justice because of their own genders and positions in the organizations. 2. Genders, age, seniority, and payment are significantly correlated with the performance of organizational citizenship behaviors. That is to say, domestic state-own enterprises’ employees will perform organizational citizenship behaviors because of their own genders, age, seniority, and payment. 3. Age, seniority, and payment are significantly correlated with job satisfaction That is to say, the job satisfaction of domestic state-own enterprises’ employees will be affected by their own age, seniority, and payment. 4. Organizational justice will have a significant correlation with organizational citizenship behaviors. Domestic state-own enterprises’ employees may perform organizational citizenship behaviors because of their own perceptions of justice. 5. Organizational justice does not have a significant correlation with job satisfaction. In other words, domestic state-own enterprises’ employees may not have job satisfaction because of their own perceptions of justice. 6. Job satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors. Whether domestic state-own enterprises’ employees have job satisfaction or not, they continue to perform their own organizational citizenship behaviors because of the perceptions of justice. The managerial implications and suggestions of this study are summarized as the following: In this study, we can find that employees of state-run enterprises, their perception of organizational justice does not seem to have a significant impact on their job satisfaction and they will not perform organizational citizenship behaviors because of job satisfaction. The reason may lie in the fact that state-run enterprises employees’ rights and obligations have been protected by laws and regulations supervising public servant. They may not have higher job satisfaction with the fair treatment from their organizations. Even inappropriate performance appraisal systems and unfair reward systems will not militate against their job satisfaction and performance because their rights have already been legally protected when they join state-run enterprises. But after privatization, the reward system and promotion opportunities may enhance the employees’ job satisfaction and job performance. In this study, we also found that there exists a positive relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior. The possible implication is that the management may predict the employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors based on their fair treatment from the state-run enterprises. The management should improve employees’ sense of fair treatment by the organization before expecting them to perform willingly organizational citizenship behavior. If the employees are made conscious of fair treatment from the organization, they may perform organizational citizenship behavior spontaneously. By doing so, they can improve the effectiveness of organizational operation. In this research, the sample size is relatively small. The larger the sample size, the more valid the research in exploring the relationships among the various variables inherent in the state-run enterprises. Subsequent studies could use larger samples from the industries of privately owned enterprises. Public servants will confront more keen competition than ever before and their own rights and interests protected by our government’s regulations will also be decreased after privatization so that subsequent researches may focus on different industries in order to realize the practical changes among organizational justice, organizational citizenship behaviors, and job satisfaction.


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