  • 學位論文


Estimating Production Efficiency of Opening up China Tourists in Taiwan Hotel Industry - An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 藍淑惠


本文針對台灣2006-2009 年74 家觀光旅館,於2008 年開放大陸觀光客前後之生產效率進行評估。實證結果發現,樣本於研究期間之生產面效率指數,固定規模報酬(CRS)、變動規模報酬(VRS)以.及規模效率(SE)平均而言分別為0.9257,0.9743 及0.9503。規模無效率是造成台灣地區74 家觀光旅館2006-2009 年生產技術無效率的主要來源。陸客開放前變動規模報酬(VRS)為0.98,開放後變動規模報酬(VRS)為0.97。表示台灣地區之觀光旅館管理面效率並未因陸客開放政策而改善。一般而言,台灣地區旅館業一般觀光旅館的國際觀光旅館生產效率較佳。


For measuring production efficiency, this research focuses on 74 Taiwan tourist hotels in the period of 2004 to 2009, before and after the policy of opening up China tourists .Empirical results indicate that CRS, VRS and SE of sample firms are 0.9257, 0.9743 and0.9503 ,respectively. For whole sample tourist hotels, the production inefficiency is significantly attributed to scale inefficiency. After opening up China tourists to enter Taiwan, VRS is changed from 0.98 to 0.97. It implies that the efficiency of Taiwan tourist hotels didn’t be improved by the policy of opening up China tourists to enter Taiwan. Generally speaking, international tourist hotels have better production efficiency in Taiwan hotel industry.


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