  • 學位論文


Exploring on the Planning Strategies of Tourism Factory

指導教授 : 范振德


傳統工廠體系之製造業,曾締造臺灣輝煌的經濟奇蹟;但隨著產業結構與資源重新分配的轉變,製造業逐漸沒落。不僅生產線逐漸外移,更留下許多閒置的廠房。為了提高製造業之生存競爭力,進而傳承產業文化與技術,塑造企業品牌與形象,結合21世紀以服務及體驗為主的產業觀光,成為一項新興的產業市場;觀光工廠之規劃策略成為企業轉型之當務之急。本研究首先以文獻分析法蒐集相關文獻資料,次以非參與式觀察法訪查現有的觀光工廠營運現況,最後則以半結構式深度訪談法訪談現有觀光工廠的經營者或負責人做三角交叉驗證。 資料分析方面,本研究先採紮根理論授權之質性資料分析工具進行見實、開放式、主軸及選擇式編碼,分析觀光工廠既有資源、活動規劃以及永續經營的發展概念,再以詮釋結構模式(ISM)、階層分析法(AHP)、局部灰關聯法 (LGRA) 分析觀光工廠規劃策略。研究結果發現觀光工廠的既有資源、活動規劃及永續經營三構面環環相扣。而觀光工廠之規劃策略與評估準則之研究結果,可供相關政府單位協助、輔導傳統工廠轉型,及觀光工廠規劃策略、後續相關研究之參考,進而協助其轉型前的規劃與發展。


The traditional factory architecture of manufacturing industry, had to create a brilliant economic miracles of Taiwan; but as the industrial structure and redistribution of resources transformation, manufacturing industry gradually decline. In order to improve the competitiveness of manufacturing industry to survive, and then the industrial heritage of culture and technology, and shape corporate brand image, combined with 21st century service and experience-based tourism industry has become a new industry market; planning strategy of sightseeing factory become imperative for the enterprise transformation. In this study, we begin with the literature analysis to collect relevant literature, times to non-participant observation visits to existing tourist facility operating status of the last places depth semi-structured interviews interview operator or person in charge of existing plants do sightseeing triangle cross-validation. In Data analysis, the study authorized to adopt grounded theory qualitative data analysis tool to see real, open, spindle and selective coding, analysis sightseeing factory existing resources, event planning and development of the concept of sustainable development, and then to interpret structure Model (ISM), class analysis method (AHP), a local Grey Act (LGRA) analysis sightseeing factory planning strategies. The results found that existing resources sightseeing factories, event planning and sustainable management of three interlocking facets. The findings of the Planning Strategy of and evaluation criteria factory tour, the relevant government agencies for assistance, counseling transition from traditional industries, and tourism factory planning policy, refer to the following related research, to assist in the planning and development before transition.



