  • 學位論文


Experiential Curriculum Design Strategy Research for Taiwan Tourist Factory

指導教授 : 洪祺森


近年來國內觀光工廠成長快速,許多觀光工廠皆開辦創新且多元的主題體驗課程吸引消費者,顯見體驗課程為消費者參觀觀光工廠時不可或缺的要素。然而我們也常見到部分設計不良的體驗課程,其設計不良的原因可能是流於形式、也可能品質參差不齊、或未能傳達其觀光工廠特色等問題,不良的體驗課程不僅是與觀光工廠連結性低,降低遊客的參與意願,甚至可能造成消費者的負面印象。 本研究基於體驗行銷與體驗學習的理論基礎,探討國內觀光工廠之課程設計策略,選擇具有豐富歷史背景,且成功從企業文化脈絡中找到適合的元素轉換為課程設計內容者,以及這些體驗課程是否有助消費者學習與其它應用發展的可能,從深入解析體驗的流程,並探索課程設計策略。 研究以深度訪談法以及焦點團體法進行,業者方面利用深度訪談企圖釐清藝術人文類觀光工廠之體驗課程設計及如何提出新穎的課程設計策略。消費者方面採用焦點團體法經由分享來獲得資料,來瞭解會因為喜好什麼樣的方式來到觀光工廠參與他們提供的相關活動,去了解到這些體驗課程對於消費者有何實質上的學習效益,藉以釐清本研究目的,研究目的如下:(一) 瞭解觀光工廠如何將專業技術及文化作轉換,為體驗課程因特色做出區隔。(二) 瞭解體驗課程的設計內容實質上的學習效益有哪些,藉以利用它探討不同生活經驗背景之消費者喜好的課程形式。 本研究結果得出以下三點:(一)擬定策略時可嘗試以劃分目標族群進行設計,發揮企業相關概念特性帶給消費者情感體驗上的刺激,強化遊客參與意願;(二)落實完整、具豐富企業文化又能與當地意象、文化作連結為策略進行設計,企圖符合消費者所喜愛的體驗課程形式,提升消費者再訪的可能性;(三)促使消費者每次前來進行體驗課程,就形成一次不同感受且難忘的經驗為策略,使消費者身心靈有獲得驚艷的感受。提升樂於參與課程意願,並可形成遊客對觀光工廠的良好品牌印象,本研究彙整了課程設計模式與思維程序,提出觀光工廠體驗課程執行上有效的策略。 國內觀光工廠發展蓬勃,然而體驗課程設計的論述與探討尚未成熟,整體而言仍有許多面向的議題值得探究,本研究目前僅針對體驗課程進行探討,透過解析觀光工廠體驗設計策略,可為日後研究觀光工廠體驗課程設計策略的參考依據。


Factory tourism has been growing fast in the domestic market in recent years, and many tourist factories have established innovative and diversely themed experience curriculum; course experiences have become an indispensable element for customers when they visit a tourist factory. It is also common, however, to experience a poorly designed course, as it may be a formality, or be uneven in quality experience, or fail to convey the characteristics of the tourist factory. A poor experience in a class is not only related to the attributes of the tourist factory, as low willingness to participate means that the customers will leave with a negative impression. This research study is based on theoretical experiential marketing and learning, and investigates curriculum design strategies of domestic factory tourism. Through the choice of factory tourism experiences that possess a rich historical background and that can successfully find suitable elements which are related to corporate culture, this study determines whether these experiential curriculum courses can help consumers learn about the business of the factory that are visited, and if other development is possible. This study is an in-depth analysis of the factory tour experience process, and an investigation into the curriculum design strategy of the factory tour. In order to better understand this industry, the research data for this study was obtained through in-depth interviews and focus groups. This data was then used to clarify artistic cultural factory tour experiential curriculum design, and analyzed to offer new and innovative curriculum design strategies. The focus group method was used to obtain information from consumers to better understand tourism factory activities participation preferences. The related activities were analyzed to understand how consumer gained real benefits from different learning experiences. The aim of the research was as follows: (1) understand how factory tourism transforms both the industry-related technology and culture, and how the experiential curriculum can be specifically related to the features of the industry it represents. (2) Understand how the design of the factory tourism course content contributes to learning effectiveness, as this information is necessary to investigate preferences of the different background of life consumer. The results of this research can be summarized into three points as follows: (1) dividing the consumers into different target groups within the design strategy helps to bring relevant concepts and characteristics of the business to the consumers, and so is a more stimulating experience for them; this in turn increases the consumers’ willingness to participate in the tourist activities. (2) Making a complete and practical rich corporate experience incorporating the local culture and artistry as a strategy for the design; by conforming to consumers’ preferences, this strategy increases the possibility of consumer revisiting the same factory tour again. (3) Creating a variety of new experiences which are promoted the consumer every visit so that the strategy is to create a new and unforgettable experience every time, which the consumer feels is amazing. This will increase the consumer participation willingness, as well the number of overall visitors on the factory tour. The reputation of the factory’s brand will also be enhanced. This study proposes a curriculum design model and program, with effective tactics for the implementation of an experiential curriculum for factory tourism. Although domestic tourist factory development is flourishing, discussions and investigations into the class design experience still need development; there are still many issues that need to be explored further, as this present study only investigates the classroom experience by analyzing tourist factory curriculum design strategies. This study can be used as a reference for future research in tourist factory experience class design strategies.


6. 陳寬裕、楊明青、林永森、李謀監(2011)。觀光工廠服務場景、解說服務品質與遊客行為意圖關係之研究,戶外遊憩研究,24(4),01-28。
北:中衛發展中心。(原作者:馬克斯.藍登曼 Lenderman, Max)
2. 范淑琴(2013)。從體驗設計的觀點看客庄休閒農業的創新:以台三線關西
