  • 學位論文


The Participate Intentions of Fire-Fight Volunteers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳武雄 黃萬傳


近年來由於政治、經濟、社會環境急遽變遷,日益激增的社會問題莫不於今日社會引起大眾高度重視與關心,若僅憑政府的政策推動而没有民間力量的配合,則必將事倍功半難見績效,因此,基於「政府力量有限,民力資源無窮」,社會的穩定需要有專業的工作人員及熱心公益的志願工作者共同奉獻。台灣地區位處於西太平洋颱風區及環太平洋地震帶,自然環境條件惡劣,致天然災害發生頻率極高。囿於人力,政府正規消防救災人員於第一時間內往往無法立刻馳援。因此,如何運用民間義勇消防人員及救難志工團隊,協助災害應變, 使災損降到最低,實為政府的急切要務。本研究係以計畫行為理論(TPB)之觀點,作為義消成員因何甘冒生命危險,投入救災行列的觀察依據。依該理論之三個構面,即「態度」、「規範」及「控制」並結合前人過去之研究,各自發展影響因素。研究發現,參與者雖因社會經濟背景不同,致其參與救災之意向各有高低,惟其救災之中心思想並無差異;且 都會與非都會區義消之工作,屬性及涉險程度雖不盡相同,其救災意願及行為意向亦屬概同。 多數以義消為救災主力如美國、日本等先進國家,目前正遭逢義消人力逐漸流失的問題。然觀察顯示,造成義消人力流失原因約有接受訓練時間增加、工作量提高、更高的訓練標準及要求、勤務種類日漸增多、緊急救護量增加、雙薪家庭增多及時間無法配合、領導能力不足或溝通不良等因素,然前項因素無不可能出現於未來的國內環境,甚或有部分因素已顯現於時今之國內義消團體,因此,如何留住現有國內義消人力並得以持續招募新血輪投入消防救災工作,避免國內義消人力於未來逐年流失致步入美、日等先進國家後塵,實為當前我消防主政機關-內政部消防署應予重視之重要課題


Due to the rapid changes of politics, economy, and social environment, increasing social problems have aroused the attention of the public. Without the forces from the private sector, the enforcement of public policies by the government may not reach destined goals. Therefore, based on the belief “limited government power, unlimited private sector resources”, the dedication of volunteers and professionals is needed to stabilize the society. Located in the typhoon-beset western Pacific and on the Pacific-rim fault belt, Taiwan has foul natural environment and high occurrence of natural disasters. Due to limited human resources, regular government fire forces often are not able to provide immediate aid after disasters occur. Therefore, making good use fire-fight volunteer and groups in disasters to minimize damages has become an urgent task of the government. This study uses the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to observe how fire fight volunteers risk lives and become involved in disaster relief tasks. The three aspects of the TPB include “attitude”, “norms” and “control”. The above aspects, combined with previous studies, have developed influential factors. This study has found that fire fight volunteers may differ in social and economic backgrounds and therefore show different degree of willingness in participating in disaster relief work. However, the core reasons for fire fight volunteers to participate in disaster relief work are mainly similar. Also, fire fight volunteers from both urban and rural areas may participate in relief work that are of different levels of danger; however, the willingness and behavior intention of these volunteers are mainly the same. Developed countries such as the US and Japan mainly rely on fire fight volunteers for disaster relief. However, these countries are facing a decrease in the number of fire fight volunteers. The decrease in the number of fire fight volunteers may be due to factors which include the increasing time required for training, heavy workload, higher requirements and qualifications for volunteers, the increasing amount of relief work, the increase of double income families, the inconvenience which the fire fighters face in finding time to volunteer, the lack of leadership within the fire fighting force, and also inadequate communication. It is possible that the above factors may be likely to occur in Taiwan. Even more, some of the factors may already exist in the fire fight volunteer force today. Therefore, to maintain the number of fire fight volunteers, to recruit more volunteers to participate in disaster relief work, and to avoid the problems which the US and Japan are facing are extremely important issues that the governing authority—National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior should focus on today.


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