  • 學位論文


The Perspectives of the Residents’ Families on The Living Space Issues of Long-Term Care Institutes in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝嫣娉


本研究旨在瞭解家屬對長期照護機構居住空間要素之重要觀念,研究對象為中部護理之家與安養機構之家屬,首先以分層隨機抽樣方式選出機構,對象是以立意取樣方式找尋願意填寫問卷之家屬,再來進行面對面問卷訪談,實施期間為三個月,樣本數為280位,共110家機構協助問卷調查。 研究結果發現:家屬人口學變項對健康性重要認知像是機構提供住民生活環境相關因素使其不影響身體健康較重視,較不重視為便利性及舒適性;家屬重視機構第一重要項目為環境整潔度(56.8%)、第二重要住房採光(18.6%)、第三重要通風設備(15%)、第四重要安全性(14.3%)、第五重要為安全性(13.9%);對於機構空間重要性認知上,家屬居住台中縣以外、離異者、亯奉其它宗教、經濟普通者、職業為自由業及其它者、有無住過其他機構之變項會對認知產生影響。 本研究建議長照機構應更加重視家屬對空間之觀感,並可提升住民及家屬之重視度與滿意,在未來更可提供給政府有關單位擬定長期照護體系政策之參考。


This study aimed at understanding the family living space for long-term care facilities as an important element of the concept study for the central nursing homes and nursing homes of family members. First of all, a stratified random sample of institutions was employed. The respondents were found to fill face to face questionnaire during the three months period of interview. Sample size was 280 and a total of 110 institutions were asked to assist survey. The results showed that the families of demographic variables on the cognitive health of important institutions such as residents living environment-related factors did not affect the greater attention to health and pay less attention to convenience and comfort. Family first major project emphasized on the degree of institutions’ cleanliness (56.8%), the second most important is home lighting (18.6%), the third most important is ventilation equipment (15%), the fourth is major security (14.3%), and the fifth important is for the security (13.9%). For the importance of cognitive space agencies, family members who were living outside of Taichung County, divorced, believe in other religions, economic, general, vocational and other persons for free trade, living in other institutions cognitive variables were found to have an impact. This study suggested that long term care organizations should pay more attention to the space perception of families that the residents and family members can enhance their importance and satisfaction. In the future, more units are available for government policy to develop long-term care system as references.


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