  • 學位論文


The physical effect of group exercise among the elder in a daycare center

指導教授 : 藍守仁


背景與目的:隨著老齡化社會來臨,許多團體活動會針對老年人而設計,本研究針對日間照顧中心老年人設計合適的活動內容,進行六個月的團體復健活動,了解活動介入對此族群老年人身體機能之成效。 方法:個案來自台中市一間日間照顧中心,共三十六位可遵從治療師指令的老年人,藉由物理治療師評估,篩選出符合收案條件個案,介入期間未使用其他復健資源,依個案意願分為持續六個月組十八人與僅參與三個月組十八人,由治療團隊設計團體復健活動,每次九十分鐘、每週一次,為期六個月,個案評估資料收集包含基本人口學資料、認知狀態與身體機能追蹤評估,追蹤評估每三個月一次,共兩次追蹤評估。兩組介入前基線評估差異採無母數統計方式Mann-Whitney U Test 分析,利用相關分析探討基線評估資料與身體機能相關性,以成對樣本T 檢定分析三個月的活動介入成效,以無母數統計方Friedman Test 進行分組分析六個月的身體機能追蹤評估。 結果:兩組基本資料、認知狀態與身體機能無顯著差異,經過三個月活動介入,肌力、柔軟度、日常生活功能與平衡能力有顯著改善。經過六個月,持續參與六個月組在肌力、主動關節活動度、日常生活功能與平衡能力有顯著的進步,而僅參與三個月組在活動介入中止後,平衡能力有顯著下降情形。 結論:六個月的團體復健活動有效改善老年人肌力、主動關節活動度、日常生活功能與平衡能力,且活動效果具有持續性,唯獨平衡能力介入中止後有明顯下降,但因研究人數較少,無法有效推廣到更大族群。


老年人 日間照顧 團體復健


Background and purpose: With the aging society coming, many group activities are designed for the elders. This study is to evaluate the physical training performance of the group rehabilitation exercise for the elders in a day care center for 6 months. Methods: 36 elders from a daycare center in Taichung city are 65 years old or older, and can follow the physical therapist without using other rehabilitation resources. 36 elders are equally separated into two groups. One group joins the exercise for six months, and the other group is for three months. The group rehabilitation exercise takes 90 minutes once a week. Physical function measurements are made every three months in this study. Baseline measurements include the demographic data, the mental status, and the measurements of physical function. The difference of the baseline data for two groups is used Mann-Whitney U test. Correlation analysis of baseline data and physical function is also used. The paired t test is used to assess the activity effect after three months intervention. The Friedman test is used to access the two groups' physical function change for six months. Results: The baseline data for two groups is similar initially. After three months activity intervention, muscle strength, activity of daily life, and balance activity are significantly improved. After six months, the muscle strength, active joint range of motion, activity of daily life, and balance ability are further enhanced for the group with the activity for six months. The balance ability is degraded for the group without joining the activity after three months. Conclusion: The group rehabilitation exercise lasting for six months improves the muscle strength, active joint range of motion, activity of daily life, and balance ability of the elders. The exercise sustains the physical effect. Only the balance ability after intervention stopped is degraded. However, the number of subject in this study is too small to popularize the results into other big groups.


elder daycare group rehabilitation


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