  • 期刊


The Prediction of Dispositional Goal Orientation, Perceived Motivational Climate, and Perceived Ability on Intrinsic Motivation and Satisfaction




The purpose of this study was to examine the prediction of dispositional goal orientations, perceptions of motivational climate, and perceived ability on intrinsic motivation and satisfaction. Two hundred and seventy-one handball players (malel=52; femalel=19) from 17 varsity high school teams participated in the study. The mean age of the athletes was 15.31 years old. All the subjects were asked to complete a series of paper-and-pencil questionnaires measuring dispositional goal orientation, perceived motivational climate, perceived ability, satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation. Results of a multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that, for both males and females; perception of task-orientation climate (PTOC) predicts enjoyment/interest, effort/importance, and satisfaction; and dispositional task-orientation (DTO) predicts effort/importance. However, gender differences showed interesting results. While female perception of ego-orientation climate (PEOC) does not predict anything, male PEOC predicts both enjoyment and pressure. Furthermore, although DTO predicts effort exerted for both males and females, it also predicts enjoyment and pressure for males. Finally, while male perceived ability (PA) predicts pressure only, female PA predicts pressure, enjoyment and satisfaction. It is suggested that, on the one hand, to reinforce intrinsic interest, satisfaction, and effort exerted, the coach should first promote a task-oriented motivational atmosphere, and encourage players to develop dispositional task orientation with all effort. On the other hand, coaches should de-emphasize ego-orientation climate to males, but enhance the perceived ability of females.


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