  • 期刊

Localized Ridge Preservation Using Guided Bone Regeneration



自然牙拔除後,殘餘齒槽骨會快速的往顎側、舌側及根尖方向開始吸收骨質,造成無牙齒槽骨的高度和寬度減少,影響將來義齒補綴物的功能、美觀與設計,或是因殘留骨量不足而無法接受牙科種植體(dental implant)的植入,需要進行合槽骨增高、豐隆的補強治療。如能在拔牙當時,配合引導骨組織再生術(guided bone regeneration),利用再生膜及骨移植(bone graft)引導骨細胞進入骨缺損處,保留齒槽骨的骨架與外形,以利於往後義齒補綴與牙科種植體種植的進行。本文提出3個病例,在拔牙後配合引導骨組織再生術達到保留齒槽骨骨架與外形的目的。同時討論影響引導骨組織再生術成功的因素,牙科種植體植入時機及骨移植的選擇。


Proper pontic-residual ridge relationship is a critical factor in fixed prosthodontics. Following extraction of a hopeless natural tooth, the edentulous ridge begins to resorb palatally, lingually, and apically. This results in a general narrowing and shortening of the residual ridge, and often inhibits the establishment of an ideal pontic-ridge relationship. In such cases ridge preservation may be indicated. The principles of guided bone regeneration utilizing barrier membrane and bone graft materials can be applied to localized ridge defects after tooth extraction. In this article, three cases are presented to demonstrate this ridge preservation technique. Furthermore, factors essential for achieving predictable results with barrier membrane, timing of dental implant installation and selection of bone grafts are also discussed.
