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Development of the Sport Motivation Scale: Analysis of Reliability and Validity


本研究的目的在發展一份適合國內所使用的運動動機量表,並以驗證性因素分析考驗量表的適合度。研究共分為二個階段,第一階段先依據Pelletier et a1.(1995)所編製的運動動機量表(Sport Motivation Scale)爲藍本,編譯及增加題數,編製成初步量表共58題。以兩所體育學院共238位運動員爲研究對象,以探索性因素分析及Cronbach α,進行初步量表的信度及效度考驗。研究結果顯示運動動機量表包括『內在動機』、『認同調節』、『內射調節』、『外在調節』、『無動機』等五個分量表,共32道題目,累積總解釋變異量爲60.43%,各分量表的Cronbach α介於.64~.95,顯示本量表具有可接受的建構效度與信度。第二階段爲正式量表施測,以另外一批共325位體育學院運動員爲研究對象,採驗證性因素分析(LISREL8.30版)考驗量表假設測量模式的適配程度。驗證性因素分析結果顯示五個分量表分別代表五個不同的潛在變項,與假設的測量模式相符。由適合度的各種指標顯示,修改後的量表測量模式具有可接受的適合度(x^2=791.63、x^2/df=1.77、GFI=0.87、AGFI=0.84、RMR=0.05、RMSEA=0.04、CFI=0.97、NNFI=0.97)。本量表可供未來研究競技運動選手參與動機的測量工具。


The purpose of this study was to develop an inventory assessing athletes' sport motivation and to provide the reliability and validity of the inventory. Two stages were included in this study. In the first stage, 58 items Chinese-version Sport Motivation Scale was developed based on Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al.1995).563intercollegiate athletes were recruited to complete the Sport Motivation Scale. After deleted some items which had low factor loading and had high factor loading but loaded on more than one factor, the results of exploratory factor analysis indicated that32-item Sport Motivation Scale revealed five-factors: intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation, and amotivation. These five factors can account 60% of total explained variance. The Cronbach α of subscales ranged from .64 to. 95. In the second stage, 325 intercollegiate athletes were asked to complete the 33-item Sport Motivation Scale. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the goodness-of-fit of the measurement model. The results of the CFA indicated a significant test statistic, x^2(454)=929.02, p<.001.Some other fit index indicated relatively acceptable fit of the model(x^2/df=2.05, RMSEA=0.04, RMR=0.06, GFI=0.85, AGFI=0.82, CFI=0.97, NNFI=0.96). In addition, examining the error covariance between observed variables indicated that the model fit improved by correlating some error covariance between observed variables.The32-item Sport Motivation Scale has proved to be a valid and reliable measurement in terms of assessing athletes' motivation.


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