  • 期刊


A Survey of School Absence and Health Problems among Aboriginal Elementary School Children in Nan-Tou County


本研究乃針對南投縣山地國小學童缺席情形及其相關因素之探討。 本研究以分層集束隨機抽樣法,選取南投縣五所山地國小全體學童為研究對象,計有459名學童。研究結果顯示,南投縣山地國小學童於79學年度上學期(六個月)當中缺席情形為-每人平均缺席4.35天(病假2.02天、事假0.65天、曠課1.68天):缺席情形分佈為病假佔46.2%、曠課佔38.8%、事假為15.0%。在請假原因中,生理方面以「感冒」最為常見;在非生理方面,以「在家幫忙」而缺席居於首位。 在影響學童缺席之相關因素中顯示:年級愈高,請病假的學童愈多,而年級愈低,請事假的學童愈多;沒有慢性病的學童有較高的請事假天數;家庭社經地位對學童缺席率並不影響;有人督導功課之學童有較少因作業沒寫而缺席的比例,但與請病、事假的天數無關。 根據研究結果,為減少山地國小學童缺席情形,提出下列幾點建議: 1.造成山地國小非生理因素方面主要缺席原因是「在家幫忙」,尤其是農忙時,或可在農忙季節,可授權校長酌情調整假期以減少學童因此缺席的情形。 2.在學校衛生教育方面,應加強老師們的衛生知識及提供急救訓練及諮商技巧之課程,使老師成為學童身、心健康問題的諮詢者、早期發現者及提供心理輔導者。 3.向於山地國小地區偏遠,交通不便,就更需要建立完善的醫療設備及專業醫護人員的支援、轉介系統。


原住民 國小學童 缺席情形


The purposes of this study were to investigate the school absence rates and reasons of native-inhabetant elementary school-children, and to understand the potential factors that affected absence rates. Stratified-cluster random sampling was used to select 459 subjects from five aboriginal elememtary school in Nan-Tou county, Taiwan. The Research was carried out by using structured questionnaire and personal interview in the spring, 1991. Results of this study showed that during the six months studying period, the absence rate were 46.2%, 38.8% and 15.0% due to illness, no excuse or personal reason, respectively. Common cold or upper-respiratory tract infection and GI tract infection were the two most common illness which caused schoolchildren to stay home during school day. In the aspect of non-physical reason for absence, doing family chores was the frequent excuse. Absence due to illness was prevalent for higher grade students, while helping to do family chores was the common reason for lower graders to be absent in school. These was no statistical difference in absence rate between healthy students and those with chronic illness. Students from different socioeconomic status had similar absence rates. Results of this study suggested that the absence rate of nativeinhabitant elementary school-children could be reduced if 1) the school day or school hour could be adjusted during the harvest season; 2) school teachers' health knowledge, emergency care and consulting abilities could be strengthened through in-service education or seminars; and 3) the supporting and referred systems of medical service could be established.
