  • 期刊


The Study for Dilemma and Needs of Service-Providers Who Work with Sexually Abused Victims with Intellectual Disability


本研究以焦點團體訪談54名參與性侵害防治體系之社工、特教、警政、司法、醫療專業人員在處理心智障礙性侵害被害者的經驗,包括受害者的身心影響、處遇過程中的困境與需求,並據以提出未來處遇之建議。 研究發現如下:1.心智障礙性受害者在身心影響的特質:因性的被激起對性有愉悅感、創傷後壓力疾患反應不明顯、受害者之家人也遭遇心理上的傷害、會主動找人表達性意涵的行為、持續找原來的加害人進行性行為。2.專業人員在工作中所面臨的困難:欠缺了解心智障礙者之知能、偵訊過程中的困難、與家庭合作的困難、社政人員在協助被害者過程中之難題、學校在性侵害防治體系之功能猶待發揮、欠缺協助心智障礙受害人的心理治療專業資源、各專業之間缺乏溝通與合作。3.對心智障礙性受害者處理流程、制度與未來工作的建議:對於心智障礙者之受害評估建立基準線及評估標準、改善對心智障礙受害者之減述流程以加強對證詞之取得、加強對心智障礙者的性侵害預防教育、強化對家長及社會大眾的教育與宣導、加強並引導媒體作正向報導、加強對心智障礙者家庭協助的工作、發展對心智障礙加害人的協助或治療、增進專業的合作與資源的整合。4.專業人員處理心智障礙者的專業訓練:增進對心智障礙者的了解及問訊技巧、持續舉辦針對各種專業的在職訓練課程、增進科學證據及專家證人的訓練。


In this study, 54 service-providers who work with sexually abused victims with intellectual disability, including social workers, special educator, police officers, judicial personnel, and mental health professionals, were interviewed in focus groups. The topics in the interviews included the impact of sexual abuse and the dilemma and needs of the service toward the victims who are with intellectual disability. The findings included as the followings. 1. The psycho-physical traits of the victims showed the victims might actively act and speak sexually, and continue to go back to the offender for sex. 2. The difficulties the service-providers faced included the lack of understanding toward the victims with intellectual disability mental retardation, difficulties in cooperation among different professionals, difficulties in working with the victim's families, and lack of communications among different professionals. 3. The suggestions for the future service programs included establishing appropriate and standard procedure of the service, minimizing the repeated times of the interrogation, and implementation of sex education to people with intellectual disability. 4. The emphasis for the future professional training must be on the understanding, interviewing, assessing, and counseling the victims who are with intellectual disability.


張雯雯(2015)。繪本教學在國中智能障礙 學生性侵害防治教育之研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614024527
