  • 期刊


Trademark/Figure in Haruki Murakami's Kafka at the Beach-About Becoming Johnnie Walker and Colonel Sanders


村上春樹的新作『海邊的卡夫卡』承繼到目前為止的作品的風格,同時也表現出至今作品未曾有的新意。那就是特意以Johnnie Walker和桑德斯上校(肯德基爺爺)這些有名的商標,直接做為小說人物的名字。那麼,村上藉由這些人物角色想要表達什麼呢?這是本論文所要探討的主題。 村上一定是設想這部小說將來在國外會被閱讀而寫成的。在這部小說裏的原型人物(現實社會中的少年殺人事件、希臘傳說中的依底帕斯等等)被淡化,甚至消失,也就是原型人物與小說虛構人物的同一化幾乎無意義,主要期待只以作品本身被閱讀。但是,另一方面,Johnnie Walker和桑德斯上校相反地與此不同,無寧是更強化對那些肖像的聯想吧!村上在此帶入這樣的逆轉現象,想藉由此再次探問原型/模型(model)人物的肖像權這問題,更進而重新審視在現代何謂原型/模型(model)人物。


Haruki Murakami's most recent work Kafka at the Beach suggests elements of his previous style. This work incorporates famous trademarks such as Johnnie Walker and Colonel Sanders, who appear as characters. What does Murakami try to achieve by using these character names? This paper endeavors to answer that question. Due to Murakami's inter national status, his work will certainly be read abroad. Critics have approached Murakami's characters using a typology derived from various sources (such as recent events in Japanese society or Greek heroes like Oedipus); however, these approaches differ from the methods of contemporary researchers. It would better to say that there is a large difference between these two characters, Johnnie Walker and Colonel Sanders and the other characters, so when we employ this method of reading we enhance our imaginative understanding of the notion of copyright. Murakami incorporates this kind of opposite thinking into his work and thereby raising the question as to what actually constitutes the copyright. Moreover, he also tries to discover what comprises a model in modern society.


copyright trademark model metaphor


Huang, W. H. (2008). 異質接面之模型建立及與其在二维半導體元件模擬之應用 [master's thesis, National Central University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0207200917353031
