  • 期刊


Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Evaluate the Change of Chihpen River Channel after Adjustable Sabo Dam Construction




Taiwan Forest Bureau established an adjustable sabo dam in the middle of the Chihpen River to temporarily solve the river siltation and its derivative problems caused by the large amount of sediment from upstream area in 2017. Consider the action of the dam adjustment when the downstream brushing is deep and the space is allowed sediment to move down, so that the catchment has the potential to alleviate and adjust the silting disaster in the middle and downstream area due to the special event of large and persistent sediment. The construction of the steel pipe comb dam was the first example on the construction of this type dam in Taiwan's main stream, and the establishment the ideas of "Damage problems to be consider when dam construction" and "The task of sabo dam while adjusting with time". As a result of need for long and intensive measurement, so the application of simple and fast unmanned aerial vehicle photo river changes by image analysis, as the project of construction effectiveness evaluation and the reference of follow-up control work. There is a frontal rainfall incident the study area in June 1 to 4, 2017. In view of the dam construction and the frontal rains before and after the air image collage and picture comparison, found the effect on the new dam in this rain event to play a large amount of sediment and adjust the flow, and the downstream sediment to move down, several silted dams in Morak Typhoon disaster has been re-exposed.
