



This retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the benefits and effectiveness of conservative decompression as the primary treatment modality for extensive maxillary cysts, regardless of the histological classification. Fifteen patients with huge maxillary cysts of more than 30 mm in greatest dimension with extensive involvement of either nasal cavity or maxillary sinuses treated at our department were enrolled in this clinical study. An individualized computed tomography (CT) scan, taken parallel to the occlusal plane, was arranged for each patient before and after the decompression procedure. All the axial CT images were made parallel to the patient's mandibular occlusal plane, while the coronal CT images were obtained perpendicular to the mandibular occlusal plane. The greatest antero-posterior, transverse and vertical dimensions of all the cystic lesions in their pre and post-decompression status were calculated by a computerized software. After a mean decompression period of 319.2 days, the average volume shrinkage of the maxillary bony defects was 41% in antero-posterior dimension; 40% in transverse dimension and 39% in vertical dimension. When the cystic lesions were completely enucleated, there was no sign of recurrence after an average follow up period of more than one year. Although decompression may be time consuming, the minimally invasive procedure for large maxillary cysts should be highly recommended due to its advantages of reduced risk of oro-antral or oro-nasal communication, maxillary sinusitis and recurrence.
