

最近的研究顯示,紫外線輻射是造成皮膚鱗狀細胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)的重要病因,過多的太陽光照射會導致曬傷、皮膚的過早成熟、白內障、免疫力低下、皮膚癌等。日曬性角化病(actinic keratoses)代表一皮膚疾病的初期臨床階段,有可能演變爲皮膚鱗狀細胞癌,而日曬性唇炎(actinic cheilitis)是指日曬性角化病發生於唇紅綠(lip vermilion)。許多的方法可用於治療日曬性唇炎,例如冷凍療法(cryotherapy)、二氧化碳雷射切除(carbon dioxide laser ablation)、電刀切除(electrosurgery)、用藥物做局部治療、唇紅緣切除(vermilionectomy)、光動力療法(photodynamic therapy, PDT)等,這些方法都有其優點,但也有常見的副作用。本文將報告一86歲男性,其職業爲水泥工,常曝曬於日光下,因此罹患日曬性唇炎。由於個人及年紀因素,我們以5-FU藥膏局部塗抹,取代二氧化碳雷射切除治療,至今仍於門診繼續追蹤,無蔓延擴大跡象。


Recent studies have shown that ultraviolet radiation is the predominant etiologic factor of squamous cell carcinoma. Excessive exposure to sunlight may cause sunburn, premature aging of the skin, cataracts, immune suppression and skin cancer. Actinic keratoses represent an early clinical stage of skin diseases, and it may evolve into squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Actinic cheilitis represent actinic keratoses occur in the lip vermilion. Many treatment methods can be used to manage actinic cheilitis, such as cryotherapy, carbon dioxide laser ablation, electrosurgery, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) applied topically, vermilionectomy and photodynamic therapy. These treatment methods have their advantages, but there are also common side effects. In this article, a 86 years old male patient diagnosed as actinic cheilitis over left lower lip vermilion was presented. The patient was a mason and often exposed to sunlight. He accepted topical medication with 5-FU instead of carbon dioxide laser ablation due to personal and age factor. The patient remains well without progression until the last follow-up.

