  • 期刊


A Study of Business Strategies of Digital Label Printing Printer in Taiwan


隨著科技進步,以往許多標準程序正不斷精簡,已符合時代脈動,因此發展出數位印刷(Digital Printing),此技術主要是結合電腦資訊,將文字、圖片資料轉化成數位訊號,印製前端僅透過電腦作業處理,縮短作業流程。製程上與傳統印刷最大差別在於數位印刷無需製版,創造更多時效價值與無最低印量限制,對於現今少量及多樣化的標籤需求更可達到客製化,而短版印刷需求的增長和標籤獨特單一序號特性,是促進數位印刷在標籤領域發展的主要因素,因這有利於企業降低自身庫存成本和經營風險更可節省交貨時間,創造更多經濟價值,但國內數位印刷業卻不如國外來得發展順遂,因此藉由此次研究來釐清其阻礙發展原因。固本研究目的針對標籤業如何應用數位印刷技術,在未來能創造出更多市場價值。本研究採用深度訪談法瞭解國內數位標籤印刷業者發展現況與其面臨困境,另一方面,藉由文獻得知國外數位標籤印刷業發展成熟因素為何,並歸納研究發現,進而提出研究結果,期望能提供國內標籤印刷業者未來經營規劃與策略之參考依據。


數位印刷 標籤 經營策略


Along with the advancement of science and technology, many previous standard processes have been simplified and developed in order to keep up with the pace of the time. Therefore, Digital Printing was established. This technology mainly combined with computer information and transferred texts and pictures into digital signals. With the help of this, printing procedures can be shortened, because it processes only through computer operations in the initial phrase. Moreover, greatly different from traditional printing, digital printing does not require plate-making. Meanwhile, the new technology is more effective without any minimum count limit, so that it can easily reach customization for small-amount and diversified requirements in label industry nowadays. However, the increasing demand in Combined Printing and the uniqueness of label serial number are the main factors of the growth of digital printing in the label industry, because they are beneficial to enterprises in reducing inventory cost, business risks, saving delivery time and earning more economic values. But domestic digital printing does not develop as smoothly as that abroad, so the purpose of this study was to figure out the cause of obstacles in the stages of its development, and how to apply digital printing technology in label industry in order to create more market values in the future. The study was integrated by intensive interviews with domestic dealers in the digital label printing industry about current situation and obstacles according to their experiences. On another hand, a result was promoted after an inductive research in the causes of mature growths in the international digital label printing based on references. The writer expected to provide reference on future operative plans and strategies for the domestic label printing dealers.


Digital Printing Label Business Strategy


Punch, Keith F.、林世華譯、陳柏熹譯、黃寶園譯、傅瓊儀譯、趙如錦譯(2005)。Introduction to Social Research : Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches。臺北市:心理。


