

經濟部數位內容產業推動辦公室指出,台灣數位內容產業,2011年產值約為6,003億元新台幣,較2010年產值5,225億元新台幣成長約14.89%,其中成長最快的,即是受到電子書及平板電腦帶動的數位出版與典藏產業。Andrew Tribute研究資料指出,全球電子書內容銷售量每月約為40萬本,估計到了2020年數位資料的市場佔有率將達到65%,數位出版成長動能大增,已成為不可抵擋的趨勢。本研究以平板電腦上的電子雜誌為主要探討對象,透過文本分析法分析研究樣本《一手車訊》電子雜誌之互動性,並搭配深度訪談雜誌管理師的企畫執行理念、編排風格,最後將文本分析與深度訪談內容做交叉比較。研究結果發現,電子雜誌中的三種互動性元件:彈出、捲軸、按鈕換圖出現頻率都超過20 %,由此可推知電子雜誌之互動性元件大多為輔助圖片及文字呈現而設計,比起紙本書的固定頁面,電子雜誌更增加了多層次空間發揮的空間。訪談文本分析指出,在規劃互動性元件時,首先考量到的是雜誌的屬性,但細部的安排呈現則跟編輯、素材、客戶有關。本研究之結果將擬出電子雜誌在互動性元件編排上的規則,期待往後電子雜誌出版相關業者、學者在互動性編排上可做參考。


In 2011, the output value of digital content industry in Taiwan was about 6,003 billion NT dollars and has a growth rate of 14.89% compared to that in 2010. Among various products in digital content industry, digital publishing and digital archive are the most increasing products. According to Andrew Tribute report in 2011, the global e-book circulation is about 400 thousands per month and will have more than 65% of market share compared to that of printed books in 2020. Therefore, e-book for certain is the future of publishing. This study aimed to analyze the 'Car News' e-magazine which has the highest circulation in Taiwan and has the most up-todate interactive and multimedia features. A content analysis and an in-depth interview methods were adopted in the study regarding to the interactive and multimedia features of the magazine. The results showed that the pop-up, scroll, and buttons features/objects are most commonly used in the magazine. Meanwhile, the interactive features of e-magazines are more desired compared to those used in e-books due to the characteristics of magazines.

