  • 期刊


Research on the influence on performance of the Physical outlet with Taiwanese Paper-based books


出版目的在於傳播知識及文化保存等,早期大多靠紙本書,隨著科技的進步及網際網路的普遍化,資訊非常發達,消費者習慣上網查詢後再決定是否購買,不過多數 還是購買紙本書。在台灣六千多家出版社為了爭取台灣這一小塊餅,關鍵之一在於通路經營。本研究將透過深度訪談討論有關如何提高實體通路接受意願的議題,訪談以四個方向做討論:(一)價格。(二)銷售。(三)範圍。(四)責任。研究結果顯示(一)價格:降低進貨成本會讓通路較願意大量進書。(二)銷售:銷售的品質保證與銷售結帳優惠也會讓店家願意增加進貨量。(三)範圍:業務有自己一定的負責範圍,對於店銷通路企劃有穩定的幫助。(四)責任:有促銷方面的知識與技術協助,也會大大增加實體通路的意願。本研究也建議,未來研究通路行銷,可以從閱讀習慣或是增加收藏性方面做專一研究,或是從出版工作者本身如何提高熱情與積極度等心理層面做研究。


出版 實體通路 紙本書


Publishing aims to disseminate knowledge and cultural preservation, back in time mostly by paper-based books. With the advancement of technology and the Internet generalization, information is very universal, so consumers are used to online searching before deciding whether to buy, but most of them still buy paper-based book. In Taiwan, more than six thousand publishers compete with each other in Taiwan market, one of the key lies in the channel management. The study will discuss how to increase willingness to accept physical outlet with in-depth interview. The interview will be discussed in four directions :(A) prices. (B) sales. (C) range. (D) responsibilities. The results showed that (A) prices: Lowering purchase costs make the channel a lot more willing to purchase books. (B) Sales: Quality assurance of sales and sales promotions also make the store willing to increase the amount of the purchase. (C) Scope: It's good for the physical outlet planning that different services have their own area of responsibility. (D) Responsibility: With knowledge of sales promotion and technical assistance, the willingness of physical outlet will greatly increase. The study also suggests that in order to do further research of physical outlet in the future, we can do study which is focused on reading habits or increasing collection. We also can put emphasis on how publishing workers improve themselves to be more enthusiastic and more positive.


Publishing Channel The paper-based book


Woll, Thomas(2005)。誰說出版不賺錢。台北:高寶。
行政院新聞局(2004)。2004 出版年鑑。台北:新聞局。
