  • 期刊

Socket Preservation with Collagen Sponge and DFDBA for Implant Prosthesis-A Case Report with Clinical and Histological Observation





It was known that alveolar ridge will be resorbed after tooth extraction. If the bony plate was not intact, the resorption will be more severe and made the following restoration difficult. Socket preservation with bone or bone substitutes, GTR, or combination of the two, had been used to augment the extraction socket. This case report described about the restoration of a fractured upper left lateral incisor. The labial plate of the lateral incisor was damaged, too. After the extraction, the collapsed socket was grafted with DFDBA and Collaplug. 12 months later, an implant was installed. The augmented ridge was well maintained, about 6 mm bucco-palatally. At the implant installing surgery, a 1 mm X 5 mm bone core was obtained by a 3 mm trephine and send for histological evaluation. The histological specimen showed a bone core composed of vital bony tissue no remaining graft material was found. Six months later, the prosthesis was completed and the restoration was followed for more than one year. The clinical parameters were remained stable.
