  • 期刊


Awareness of criminal behavior among different types of online gamer


本研究旨在探討網路遊戲特性與犯罪行為之關聯分析,歸納出網路遊戲特性與犯罪行為之相關性。目的:一、瞭解目前網路遊戲參與者的現況;二、瞭解網路遊戲參與者認同遊戲特性現況;三、瞭解網路遊戲參與者犯罪知覺情形;四、分析網路遊戲特性與遊戲犯罪知覺之關聯。研究方法採用文獻回顧法、新聞分析與問卷調查法,2015年10月期間,於台灣網路遊戲熱門論壇中,以立意抽樣方法進行網路問卷,共取有效樣本401份。研究結果:1.本研究調查之網路遊戲參與者以男性居多,年齡平均25歲,教育程度及職業以大專校院學生為主,月收入多為10,000 元以下。遊戲使用上經驗多為七年以上、最近一次遊戲時間在四小時內、最近一周每天玩遊戲、遊戲花費0元最多;2.網路遊戲參與者認同之遊戲特性可分為「簡單小遊戲型、角色主題任務型、連線對戰社群型、全面重視型」;3.犯罪知覺最接近程度依序為外掛程式、買賣詐欺、假冒身分竊取帳密虛寶。4.網路遊戲特性與身份竊盜、遊戲詐騙、利用工具、利用系統漏洞有相關,全面重視型犯罪問題最多。與犯罪最有相關之遊戲特性元素為虛擬資產、角色扮演、稀有寶物、任務主題、帳號密碼、對戰、等級制度。因此本研究建議若有上述遊戲的設定時,要注意犯罪的防範或是追蹤。後續研究上建議可以對於一些特性例如虛擬資產交易、移轉還有有價性等特點加以探討,以供網路遊戲犯罪偵防完備參考之用。


This study aims to investigate the relation between online game features and criminal behaviors for inducing the correlation between them. Here are the objectives: 1. to understand current situation in online games, gaming experience, and the category of online games. 2. To understand how well the online gamers acknowledge the game features. 3. To understand online gamers’ degree of awareness about the criminal behaviors. 4. To analyze the relation between online game feature clusters and gamers’ awareness about the criminal behaviors. The study applied literature review, document analysis and disturb internet survey in the famous internet forums to collect 401 valid subjects. The results are as follow: 1. Most of the interviewees are males and they are average 25 years old. Their highest level of educational or occupation status are mainly college graduate and their average monthly pay is below NT$10,000. The average gaming experiences are mainly over 7 years and the average length of time for playing game recently lasts within 4 hours. The most frequent times of playing online games in last week are the "every day" option. The average monthly spending on online games is NT$0. 2. The online game features acknowledged by gamers are "simple type," "role-play and mission-based type," "social battle type," and "all-included type." 3. The criminal behaviors that are aware by online gamers are: "plugins," "trading fraud," "identity theft." 4. Online game feature clusters are positive correlated with "identity theft," "fraud," "mean used," and "system vulnerability." The all-included type game is more likely to involve in crime. "Virtual property," role-playing," treasure," mission," identity," battle," and level" are the game elements highly related to criminal behavior. Therefore, this study suggests that if the above when the game settings, pay attention to prevention of crime or track. According to our study results, researchers are suggested to explore such like Virtual asset trading," Migration"; using practical methods to enrich this study.
