  • 期刊


Auricularia polytricha Extracts Improve Blood Lipid Blood Sugar Metabolism and Bone Density of Ovariectomized Rats


本研究以卵巢切除 (OVX) 之動物模式,評估餵食木耳萃取物對更年期症狀的影響。Sprague Dawley (SD)雌鼠經卵巢切除後分成4 組,正常飼料組及給予0.125、0.25 及0.5 g kg^(-1) 木耳萃取物組。研究顯示給予OVX大鼠木耳萃取物,可以增加血液的高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度,降低血液低密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度及三酸甘油酯濃度、並可降低空腹血糖濃度及肝臟轉胺酶活性。OVX 大鼠的骨骼密度與木耳萃取物攝食有相關性。初期研究顯示,攝食木耳萃取物可以改善卵巢切除大鼠血脂、血糖代謝及增加骨質密度。


In this study, the efficacy of Auricularia polytricha extracts (APE) improving the menopausal symptoms was evaluated by an ovariectomized model. Female Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups after surgery, including OVX fed on chow diet, and OVX fed on 0.125, 0.25, or 0.5 g kg^(-1) APE groups. Studies have shown that OVX SD rats supplemented with APE could increase plasma HDL-C concentration, but decreased LDL-C concentration, triglyceride levels, fasting glucose and liver transaminase activity. Bone density showed correlated with APE ingesting. In short, the Auricularia polytricha extract intake can improve lipid metabolism and increase bone density on ovariectomized rats.
