  • 期刊


Effects of Treatments of Sprouting Inhibitor CIPC and Co60 on Sprouting and Decaying Rates of the Storage Roots of Sweet Potato


本研究於甘藷採收前14 d,將抑芽劑N-(3-氯苯基)甲醯胺異丙酯[Isopropyl-N (3-chorophenyl) carbamate; CIPC]分別噴施在採收前14 d之甘藷地上部莖葉與採收後之塊根,另將採收後之塊根以不同劑量鈷60 γ輻射處理。隨後,將上述3種處理之甘藷塊根分別貯藏在常溫及15℃、90%相對溼度兩種環境下42 d,以瞭解各處理貯藏後之塊根發芽及腐爛情形。結果顯示,分別於甘藷地上部莖葉及塊根噴施不同濃度甘藷發芽抑制劑CIPC,並無法有效降低貯藏後之甘藷塊根發芽率,但以15℃及90%相對濕度冷藏,可有效抑制甘藷塊根發芽。甘藷健康管理田採收之甘藷塊根較不會感染病蟲害,而塊根貯藏時塊根發病率亦較低。另外,甘藷二品種經強度500 GY之鈷60照射後,「台農57號」在常溫貯藏30 d及「台農66號」在常溫貯藏60 d之發芽率皆為0,而貯藏到90 d,其發芽率皆低於10%。顯示以500 GY鈷60照射甘藷塊根,可有效抑制其發芽,使貯藏時間延長到90 d以上。


甘藷 抑芽劑CIPC 鈷60照射 貯藏


Three experimental treatments on sprouting and decaying rates of the storages of sweet potato were studied in this research, including spraying sprouting inhibitor Isopropyl-N (3-chorophenyl) (CIPC) to the leaves at two weeks before harvest, dipping storage roots in CIPC solutions after harvest, and exposure of storage roots to different intensities of Co60 after harvest. The treated roots were stored at room temperature or 15℃, 90% RH for 6 wk before investigating their sprouting and decaying rates. Results showed that the sprouting inhibitor CIPC spraying on the leaves of storage roots would not inhibit the sprouting of sweet potato. However, the sprouting of the storage roots stored at 15℃ and 90% RH were inhibited substantially. The storage roots produced from a healthy field management practice showed little disease and insect infections, and the rates of disease-infected roots were lower during storage. For storage roots exposed to 500 GY of Co60, the sprouting rate was zero for 'TNG 57' stored at room temperature for 30 d as well as for 'TNG 66' stored at room temperature for 60 d, and the sprouting rate was 10% for both cultivars stored for 90 d. Overall, treatment of 500 GY of Co60 effectively inhibited the sprouting of storage roots of sweet potato, and storage time may be extended up to 90 d.


Sweet potato Sprout inhibitor CIPC Co60 exposure Storage
