  • 期刊


Improving Resistance to Fusarium Wilt Disease in PFLP Transgenic Bananas


由Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc)引起之香蕉黃葉病已被認定為世界性的香蕉病害,目前仍無化學或殺菌劑可以有效防治。為減少黃葉病所造成香蕉產業損失,利用育種方式找出抗病品種或是藉發展抗病之基因轉殖香蕉為有效的防治手段之一。本研究旨在探討轉殖基因香蕉之抗病力,以及發展一種葉片分級評估系統來分析Foc對香蕉造成的危害,作為香蕉抗黃葉病之效果評估,試驗對象包括各個具有表現plant ferredoxin-like protein (PFLP)基因之各香蕉轉殖株。並利用PFLP基因之轉殖系與非PFLP基因轉殖之香蕉作為判斷是否具有抗香蕉黃葉病之效果。試驗過程同時加入等量之Foc孢子懸浮液與相同試驗條件感染香蕉, 以評估各處理香蕉罹病情形,並藉由polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 技術檢測外源基因之存在與否。轉殖系種植病土後經過不同時期至約8 wk左右,利用葉部黃葉率試驗評估法進行香蕉苗之抗黃葉病效果評估,並挑選出具抗病之香蕉植株。結果顯示,MCPER-3-4轉殖株為7種供試轉殖株中相對最抗黃葉病的植株。由本研究結果顯示,PFLP基因的存在似能提高香蕉抗黃葉病罹病率,未來將進行田間抗病的長期觀察做進一步驗證。


Fusarium wilt disease of banana (Panama disease), caused by Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cubense (Foc), is considered as one of the most important banana diseases in the world and no chemical control or fungicides are available so far. To decrease the damages of Fusarium wilt on banana industry, planting resistant cultivars and breeding the transgenic bananas expressing resistant genes against pathogens are best strategy in the Foc-infected field. Here, we developed a foliar rating system to assess the disease-development of Fusarium wilt in several transgenic banana plants expressing the ferredoxin-like protein (PFLP) gene. The responses of the PFLP transgenic and non-transgenic banana cultivars were evaluated on their susceptibility or tolerance against the pathogen in pots in the greenhouse. The PFLP gene in transgenic bananas were monitored by PCR to confirm its existence. Several transgenic lines of plantlets were challenged by the infection with the conidia suspension of Foc. Leaves yellowing or wilting symptoms of banana seedlings appeared over 8 weeks after Foc-inoculation. The results showed that the ‘MCPER3-4’ was the more resistant line among seven transgenic lines. This fast and space-effective bioassay may be used to evaluate as screening of Musa spp. against the disease.


Banana Fusarium wilt Panama disease Tolerance
