  • 期刊

'Noblesse'和'Grand Gala'玫瑰切花之花朵發育及花瓣老化生理變化

Flower Development and Petal Senescence on the Cut Flower of 'Noblesse' and 'Grand Gala' Rose


本實驗以'Noblesse'和'Grand Gala'玫瑰爲材料,研究花瓣老化生理及微細構造之變化。瓶插期'Noblesse'鮮重之維持及吸水率,於盛開期後較'Grand Gala'差。'Noblesse'於後期產生乙烯高峰,但呼吸率並未提升,其內生乙烯對呼吸率之影響不大;而'Grand Gala'未生成呼吸及乙烯高峰。老化過程中'Noblesse'離子滲漏率高於'Grand Gala',顯示花瓣老化過程中,細胞膜系之破壞度較嚴重。兩者花瓣於盛開期表皮細胞及柵狀組織、海綿組織及下表皮細胞會膨大,而萎凋期所有細胞因膨壓不足而呈現皺縮現象。兩品系花瓣近軸面表皮細胞於盛開期呈現膨潤圓錐形,而萎凋期則皺縮凹陷;背軸面由皺褶及下凹圓構成,隨老化過程紋路漸模糊。


玫瑰花 花瓣老化 微細構造 呼吸率 乙烯


Ultrastructural changes and senescence physiology in petals of Rosa hybrid 'Noblesse' and 'Grand Gala' were investigated during flower development. 'Noblesse' presented poor holding of fresh weight and absorptivity of water than 'Grand Gala' during the vase life after fully open floret stage. The peak of ethylene production on 'Noblesse' showed in the late stage, neither did respiration rate. Consequently, endogenous ethylene of 'Noblesse' influenced slightly respiration rate. And 'Grand Gala' had no peak of ethylene and respiration rate. The higher leakage of electrolyte was presented in 'Noblesse' compared to 'Grand Gala' during senescence process. The data showed that 'Noblesse' was more susceptible damage of cell membrane than 'Grand Gala' through electrolyte leakage change. Upper epidermis, palisade parenchyma, mesophyll cells and lower epidermis were expanded during full bloom stage and shrunk on account of down of turgor during senescence stage of two cultivars. In adaxial epidermis of two cultivars petal, coniform cells were swelled during full bloom stage and shrunk during senescence stage. Abaxial epidermis is formed with crease and concave hole; lines of abaxial epidermis were blurred during senescence stage.
