  • 期刊


Importance-Performance Analysis of Home Economics Extension Education in Fishermen's Associations


本文運用重要-表現程度分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis;IPA)分析漁會家政班班員對現行家政推廣教育內容重視度與滿意度的差異,以提供未來調整之參考。本文從提昇班員生活品質角度,針對「增進個人身心發展、強化個人能力、促進人際互動及關懷、提昇家人生活福祉、新住民融入、老化與長期照護」等面向,以及對應之24項授課主題,設計重視度與滿意度問卷,並依全臺北、中、南、東及離島5區漁會,隨機抽樣班員發放30份問卷,共回收108份有效樣本。調查結果顯示家政推廣已經有效協助新住民學習就業技能、班員活動也讓彼此相處融洽以致有較高的滿意度。經由IPA發現,性別平等議題仍受到家政班員的重視。另外,培養照護失能、失智或衰弱的老人的基本看護能力也是家政推廣應強化的課程主題。


This study analyzes the difference between anticipation and satisfaction of home economics extension education (HEEE) offered by fishermen's associations using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) of a participant survey. The questionnaire considers improved quality of life by enhancing individual physical and mental development, strengthening personal ability, improving social interaction and care, upgrading family well-being, cultural integration of new immigrants, together with aging and long-term care issues. The fishermen's associations were classified into five areas: North, Middle, South, East and Remote Islands, according to the official website of the National Fishermen's Association. 30 questionnaires were randomly distributed to fishermen's association participants in each area, with 108 returned questionnaires being valid for IPA. Survey results show that HEEE participants are more satisfied than their expectations for social activities and the ability to work. The findings also show that participants are concerned with gender issues and skills for long-term care.


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