  • 期刊


The Motives of Ratification: Human Rights Treaties in Southeast Asia (1981-2015)




人權公約 批准 東南亞 同化 政治敏感性


The last few decades witnessed positive developments in terms of human rights across Southeast Asia. It is widely believed that progresses such as the creation of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) suggested the willingness of regional countries to identify themselves with universal human rights. Nevertheless, no consensus has been reached in academia yet regarding human rights treaty commitment of regional countries. This article intends to make contribution to the knowledge of human rights treaty ratification in Southeast Asia. Using the empirical data between 1981 and 2015 of ten regional states, hypotheses derived from major theoretical explanations are put into examination. The findings show partial support to both normative and rationalist perspectives, while the logic of acculturation fails to sustain in Southeast Asian context. Moreover, the empirical findings suggest that the motive of ratification could vary according to the character of human right documents.


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