  • 期刊


Identification of Lead Exposure Sources of a Ceramic Enamel Production Factory in Taiwan


本文的研究目的主要是對某家釉藥工廠的鉛暴露來源做科學性的偵測診斷以做為危害控制的主要依據,並提供有關單位做為危害鑑定的參考。本研究是以封閉式濾紙匣採樣法對某釉藥公司做作業環境中粉塵以鉛濃度暴露評估,由定點採樣結果發現配料台及一號窯爐乾燥箱為高暴露區,其粉塵濃度分別為3.07,6.15;而鉛濃度分別為1.153,0.246 (mg/立方公尺)。個人採樣結果顯示窯爐組工人有最高的鉛暴露(平均濃度為0.087 mg/立方公尺)。且由個人採樣結果及窯爐組員工工時分配情形得知員工鉛暴露量與其接近一號窯爐乾燥箱之時間長短有相關(R^2=0.96),此結果可更加證明配料台及一號窯爐乾燥箱為高暴露區。另外,由個人及定點採樣之空氣中飴濃度仍超通國家標準,顯示此釉藥廠之作業場所仍然存在潛在的鉛危害。窯爐組工人在定點及個人採樣結果均與其血中鉛(41±9 ug/dl)較高一玫。本中心也建議工廠改進配料台的通風控制系統及變更乾燥過程,而避免使用由窯爐排出含有高程度鉛燻煙的廢氣。根據此項研究結果顯示,一套完整的環境採樣策略可以正確地評估作業場所的危害暴露狀況,鑑定汚染源及提出可行的控制方案。




The purpose of this study is to identify sources of lead exposure in one ceramic enamel production factory in Taiwan. A comprehensive ambient air monitoring program in the workplace was designed to determine worker's exposure to lead and particulates. Both personal and area samples were collected on mixed cellulose ester filters at 1.9l/min for 8 hours. Lead was analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer. The results of area sampling indicated that particulates and lead concentrations were higher at the mixer and the dryer of No. 1 boiler than other places. The particulate concentrations at the mixer and the dryer were 3.07 mg/m^3 and 6.15 mg/ m^3 respectively. The lead concentrations at the mixer and the dryer were 1.153 mg/ m^3 and 0.246 mg/ m^3 respectively. The results of personal sampling indicated boiler workers had the highest lead exposure (mean=0.087 mg/m^3). A simple correlation analysis showed that the longer they worked at the dryer of No. 1, the higher their lead exposures (r=0.96). Both area and personal sampling results corresponded well with a higher blood lead (41±9 ug/dL) among boiler workers. Recommendations were made to the factory to improve the ventilation control of mixing operation and modify its drying process to avoid using the waste gas from the furnace, which usually contains a high level of lead fume to dry the products. This study demonstrates that a well planned air monitoring program can accurately evaluate worker's exposures, identify emission sources and suggest feasible control strategies.


Lead Ceramic enamel
