  • 期刊


The Backlash Against China from the Borders: Vietnam's Anti-China Emotions, Discourses, and Propaganda




越南 南海 群際情緒理論 反中


The Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has made relations with the neighboring countries one of the priorities of Chinese Foreign Policy after he took power in 2013. Vietnam has been the state that shares many aspects with China, including ideology, political system, civil culture, and traditions. However, the Vietnamese people were reported as the group that dislikes China the most among East Asian nations. Evidence of such could be found in cases such as the large-scaled anti-China protests in 2014 and 2018. This article aims at explaining why and how such Sinophobia-like negative emotions have prevailed in Vietnam through the fieldwork done by the author, using evidences that is provided by existing literature, and by using an analytical approach framed by Intergroup Emotions Theory (IET). It has been proven that the intended manipulation of China's image and the creation of discourses regarding the history of Sino-Vietnamese relationship conducted by the Vietnamese political authority have contributed to the long standing anti-China emotions in the Vietnamese society. This article concludes that the Vietnamese authority is facing severe challenges in trying to keep control of the group's emotions and in preventing the overreactions that are arising in its domestic society.


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