  • 期刊


From Meaning Seeking to Dialogue and Reflexivity: A Textual-Discursive Interpretation of "Mutual Concealment among Family Members" in the Analects




The chapter of "Mutual Concealment among Family Members" in the Analects has been a focus of enormous attention. The debate on its meaning interpretation and social signification recently shows a linguistic turn, that is, to seek the true meanings of the key terms zhi and yin in the chapter. Though important and useful, the meaning exegesis of characters should not be taken as the only route to understanding language in Chinese classics. This paper endeavors to apprehend the "Mutual Concealment among Family Members" chapter and the current debate around it by means of textual-discursive analysis. It argues that this chapter is but a dialogue, between the Duke of Ye and Confucius, or, more generally, between two cultural discourses of zhi (integrity). As occurred in a lived context, this dialogue should not be regarded as a manifestation of universal truth or principle. We need to understand it sympathetically in association with lifeworld actions and experiences. To study this dialogue, it is important for us to appreciate Confucius's wisdom of critique. This is not only to learn his indirect, non-argumentative way of discoursing, but also and more importantly, to find from this historical dialogue a mirror to reflect upon self, and through our reflexivity to enrich understandings of zhi, of critique and of the world at large. With all these, we come to the Dao of xiushen (cultivation of personal character).


