  • 期刊


On the Continuation or "Gap" of Taiwan's Local Political Elite in the Early Postwar Period: A Case Study of Taipei County




Wu Nai-Teh and Ming-tong Chen's famous article, "Elites Circulation and Regime Transformation," is one of the most important research on post-war Taiwan's political development. It concludes that the February 28th Incident caused 80 percent of Taiwanese local political elite - mainly county councilors - to withdraw from politics and never participate in an election as candidate again. This "Gap" theory has been widely referenced by many authors in various studies. This essay intends to discuss and review that theory. The example used here is Taipei County, which had the most withdraw rate of all counties. In the early postwar era the county covered today's New Taipei City, I-Lan County, part of Taipei City and part of Keelung City. This essay carefully examines the logic of wording, calculations, sampling range and some of the historical facts included in Wu and Chen's article. It then offers a new calculation of the circulation and continuation rates of township chiefs and mayors. This allow us to re-assess the county councilor's post-February 28th Incident electoral involvement, thus testing Wu and Chen's "Gap" theory. This essay also considers by-elections and extra-elections of councilors, which Wu and Chen do not mention in their article. Finally, the essay presents its own analysis on the circulation of all the elites mention above as well as the causes of that phenomenon. The conclusion of this essay is significantly different from that of Wu and Chen's article. Over 60 percent of Taipei County's local elites in different positions continued to participate in later elections as candidate.


